Feb 02, 2011 18:02
just finished migration from Lenny to Squeeze :)
so far I have to stay on NFS verion 3 , but in squeeze version 4 is enabled by default .
Looking through /etc/init.d/autofs I find out that one can setup daemonoptions or localoptions directly in /etc/init.d/autofs
but this will be later overwritten by an update .
better solution is to set it in /etc/default/autofs
like :
/etc/init.d/autofs restart and finaly I have my uid/gid back :) .before I had 4294967294/4294967294 for uid/gid ....
just reload wasn't successful , so you need to unmount/logout from nfs share to really restart it .
the same is for Maverik .