I'm Medium Patrick. Nice to meet you.

Mar 06, 2008 22:36

I watched Once and Gone, Baby, Gone yesterday. I am so pissed off at myself for taking this long to get around to them.

The former is just made of yum. The songs may well be the most enjoyable and noticeable aspect, but there are some marvels in writing and direction in there too. It's a simple, beautiful, heartfelt and user-friendly film, and never tries to be anything more than it actually is. No flashy dance sequences or ridiculously overwrought dramatics. It's a down-to-earth romance with real characters and a real story and you will want to rewind and hit play again as soon as the credits roll, just to make sure it was really as good as you remember it. And while it's rewinding, you'll have already hit the "download" button for the soundtrack.

The latter is, well, the complete opposite. Complex, gritty, noirish and challenging. It's just... well, you've got to see it to understand it. It's excellent. Really, really excellent. Fantastic performances all around, particularly from Casey, who literally gets away an emotional punch in every single scene he's present. And, it's official: his brother isn't completely embarrassing anymore. Ben Affleck shines as a director/co-scripter, and whilst you shouldn't expect innovation or inspiration, you will be pleasantly surprised. It's one of those films that you'll find yourself pondering days later, as it continues to question your own views on right and wrong and all that yucky stuff.

And for all those Doctor Who fans on my f-list, I thought I'd drop a few links, just 'cause I stumbled upon them and thought they might be interesting. A lot of people might have already seen/read them, but I figured it's about time I start working myself up for the new season and thought I'd share the love:

3-Part Comic Relief 1999: The Curse of Fatal Death (written by Stephen Moffat fyi) + + +
Doctor Who: 44 Years in 4 Minutes +
Um, just watch it + (bonus points for Monty Python fans)

SPOILER WARNING for links below:

Some great little bits and pieces of speculation about Season 4 episodes, as well as a few sentences about 2009 & 2010 +
Another one found at artic_fox's journal +

I found a pair of my headphones in the washing machine today. And they still work. Blessed are ye that work at Apple.

I actually started cleaning my room today. It already looks so good. I can see timber floorboards and everything.

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