Trek and Poems

May 22, 2009 18:21

this was to be posted a while ago, but my internet was down and I didn't want to retype, so here.(oh, I rocked that poetry assignment [see below])

This will be briefish do to the fact that my connection could crap out at any time and this is the first time its been up all week.

Saw Star Trek on Sunday after trekkathoning it all weekend and I have to say it was amazing. I had a few minor issues but I think Abrams did wonderful and the cast was superb. I found it great the way they keep things interesting even for hard core fans. I haven't shut up about it since I saw it, can't wait for more. (I wont go into my rant for it would contain uber spoilers and I'm not quite in the mood to rant rant but there is a slim chance of it in the future.)

Last, I never thought that a class could save my life. My honors english poetry project has been the therapy I've been missing and allowed me to discover the works of Syliva Plath and Charles Bukowski (read them to better understand me and His Dark Materials but that's more my morals). It came at the time my badness is great.

Well how's that for depressing? So, poetry is good to heal (somewhat) a sad soul and Star Trek was a big ball of awesomeness, laughter, cute guys, and mind boggling goodness.

To spoken word and Star Trek Nerds....

movies, poems, school, geek, random, star trek

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