Originally posted by
gaerfindel at
It's beginning to workA week ago, Nene posted that
"It Just Might Work!", and indeed it seems so.[1] Early on, Katydid was garnering more stones than the Gnome, but come Counting Time (yesterday afternoon), my son had her beat, 37-32. How? He earned 8-you read that right, 8-stones for excellent behaviour Friday morning. I don't know what dollar store prize he got for it, as the Gnome is with Poppy this weekend. No doubt I shall find out soon enough.
But I cannot tell you how proud I am. *g*
1. What am I talking about? Nene and I have decided to used a version of Harry Potter's "house points" to encourage good behaviour. Two stones added for good behaviour, one stone removed for poor behaviour, and three stones given for exceptional behaviour.