
Jul 04, 2004 15:52

So here I sit at work.. no, it's not that bad, it was my choice. Being a temp worker, I do not get paid holidays.. However, volunteering to work today happened to be a really good thing! Because we have the 5th of July off as a holiday, the people who normally work the weekend would have to work on the 4th.. Anyway a woman that I work with had requested the day off to spend with her three kids.. I was able to make today a great day for them because they got to spend it together! I love doing nice things for people.. Not to mention, that she sent me an email with her home phone, and two cell #'s in case anything comes up!! (This is the first time I will be alone on the phones) Which was super sweet and she really didn't have to do that..

Anyway.. Patrick and I went to Convergence yesterday to see Johnny "Ghost Read" exerpts from Adam's new book.. It was really cool, and I'm really excited to get a copy of the book once it comes out. I think it's going to be an incredible book. Adam is super talented.. Got to see a bunch of people as well.. which I suppose I should have expected, however when Johnny called and woke us up to ask us to come and film the reading, I hadn't really thought about it. It was cool to see Kiz again, and the amazingly awesome (words can't say enough) costume she made.. After Adam's reading, we wandered around the Huxtor's room.. I got a new shirt with my favorite "Lunch Money" card on it, and the new game "Beer Money".. so now we have to have a party to play it!!!

Patrick has been giving me loads of crap lately because I have been the most stereotypical female there is.. I'm watching all kinds of decorating shows.. and rearranging the apartment and throwing out all kinds of stuff.. I'm working on a project with my sister to make some colored panels to go on the wall since we can't paint, and that should be fun. Any opportunity to bond with my big sister is always good. Plus she's super crafty :) So anyway.. once I get the place into some semblance of done, we'll have to have a party :) not something huge.. it's not that big a place.. but we haven't had people over in forever, and we used to all the time.. I miss that.

Anyway.. I've written enough.. due to phones not ringing, I think I'll go back to surfing the internet..
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