Summary: Daniel Jackson’s super-genius scientist friend/coworker, Samantha Carter, built a machine intended to try and study the dimensional energy signature left behind on Daniel after his strange trip to alternate-reality Manhattan. (AKA Daisychain) The machine goes haywire, and suddenly Daniel finds himself involved in another strange trip! Read
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The really annoying thing was that this was keeping him from going offworld. He enjoyed working on his personal research and all, but he didn’t like keeping the rest of his team grounded, or worse, being replaced while they went out on missions. But he could at least wander the base freely (so long as he reported any ‘visitors’), and that included the Control Room that overlooked the gateroom.
So that was where Daniel stood now: staring out the reinforced glass window that overlooked the wormhole-generating stargate. SG-4 was about to embark on a mission to a new planet, and Daniel decided it might at least be fun to watch the gate activation. He stood beside Walter, the head gate technician, hands in his pockets as he watched the gate cycle around and around, locking in chevrons that would activate the gate address.
Sam walked into the room just as the sixth chevron had locked in, perking up when she spotted him. “Daniel! There you are. Listen, I’ve been running some new calculations, and I think I have…Daniel?”
Daniel was holding up a finger, indicating that he wanted her to pause. And there was a very good reason for that. The tingling had come back full force, meaning that another event was about to happen. Clenching his eyes shut, he sensed the brilliant flash of light. And just as it faded, the stargate in the gateroom below activated, sending a fantastic whoosh of blue sideways out of the portal.
But that didn't exactly mean he liked it when it came without warning, especially when he'd been in the middle of taking care of a slight monster problem (read: a random monster he'd run across). One moment he'd been charging towards his foe, and the next he was somewhere else entirely entirely. Luckily for all involved, he managed to pull his blow short before anything or anyone got hurt.
"The hell is that?"
Presumably he meant the sudden flare of blue from the portal below.
Then that voice spoke, and Daniel's eyebrow went straight up. Well, THIS was definitely different. Not one of the people he would have expected.
Oh well. These things happened. And who knows? This could be interesting. The part about him seeing the gate might get a little tricky, however.
"Oh, hey, Seifer," Daniel deadpanned, giving the guy a small wave. "Welcome to my dimension. Thanks for not punching me just then, I'm having enough problems right now."
Sam looked distinctly startled; this was the first time she had been there when someone new showed up. Glancing nervously out at the active gate and then back at the blonde stranger, she said somewhat uneasily, "Uhh...Daniel?"
"After all, next time I might not be able to stop in time. Hell, you're lucky it was just a punch."
Pulling a gunblade strike was a lot harder than pulling a punch, for example, mostly because of the added weight and momentum.
He made a face at Seifer's implication, especially upon noticing the...very odd weapon holstered on his hip. "First of all, I didn't actually pick being in your way. And secondly, I'm hoping we won't have to worry about a 'next time'."
Seeing that everyone was staring at them, Daniel decided that introductions and explanations were in order. Turning to Sam, he said casually, "Sam, this is Seifer. Obviously another acquaintance from the alternate Manhattan. Seifer, this is Col. Samantha Carter. You're in the underground headquarters of the place where I work, in my dimension. We're having a little trouble with me and other people I knew from Manhattan jumping realities thanks to an experiment going wrong, which is why you're here. And why I didn't know it was you coming, and thus couldn't really know about needing to avoid a punch," he added pointedly.
One hand in his pocket, he jerked his other thumb out the window. "And that's a stargate. We should probably show you to the General just because he likes to know who's visiting his base, and then I'll try to give you the somewhat less compressed explanation, if you want. Oh, and don't worry, you aren't stuck here forever." Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he muttered, "Okay, I think that covered everything. I need a cup of coffee."
That seemed to cover most of the really important details. Sam still looked a little nervous (Seifer's less-than-friendly exterior probably wasn't helping matters much), but she nodded to him and managed something of a smile. "Hi. Nice to meet you."
It was then that one of the airmen took a step forward. Giving the younger man an authoritative look, his hand made a small gesture towards the gunblade. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to relinquish your weapon until the General has cleared you."
Daniel immediately had a very bad feeling about the airmen giving Seifer that command...
Besides, he was too busy paying attention to the explanation of why he was here anyway. Someone could have shoved the Ragnarok through the damned thing and he probably wouldn't have noticed anything past the fact that it looked oddly familiar. "And it ain't my problem that you almost got punched," he answered with a grin. "I sure as hell wasn't the one who started the mess in the first place. Your experiment, after all."
The rest sounded close enough to standard Garden procedures to make sense. Of course the commander - General - would want to know what was going in his Garden, no, his base. Techwise... he was going to make the hesitant guess that it was on a rough par with Esthar, although they hadn't had a standing army for... years? Since the end of the Sorceress Wars, probably. But he could figure out the rest later, and he'd just about decided it would be in his best interests to offer a vaguely polite nod to the woman he'd just been introduced to when someone had the gall to ask him to give up Hyperion.
Not a good request, at least not for the poor airman, as Seifer turned and offered a defiant glare in his direction.
"Like hell I'm handing it over."
His gunblade.
You know, it really had almost looked like Seifer was going to be cooperative with them. Right up until the airman had to go and pull that stunt. Now Seifer was obviously on the defensive, and Daniel had the feeling they weren't going to be moving from this spot for a little while.
Before Daniel could interject and try to suggest a reasonable solution to the problem, the airman returned Seifer's glare with a hard stare, not pleased by the young stranger's defiance of his authority. "It is strict protocal that no unauthorized weapons be carried on the base. You will recieve it back if and when the General deems it acceptable."
His main mistake this time was not in expressing his authority so much as it was the slight, potentially condescending stretch of the word 'if'. He really did not need to go there.
He was plenty determined to continue to challenge the airman's authority as long as he needed to. One of the few advantages of being almost endlessly stubborn.
"If your General has a problem with it, he can bring it up with me himself," Seifer answered back, drawing himself up to his full height instead of the half-slouch he'd adopted shortly after realizing he'd jumped worlds. "In the meantime, I will be taking taking care of my own weapon since I'm damned sure you ain't seen a model like this one before and I'm not risking you breaking it."
But y'know, egos are terribly hard things to stifle, and the airman really didn't like his authority being threatened by a guy who looked young enough to be a newly enlisted recruit. And who, as far as he knew, wasn't even military.
"Listen, I don't know what dimension you come from," the man said tightly, glaring back at (the slightly taller) Seifer, "but this is a high-security military base, and you WILL follow our procedures. We will use force if necessary."
This was not going well, and Daniel knew he should interupt before someday did something stupid. "Uh, guys?" he tried.
"I grew up in a military base," Seifer snapped back. Technically speaking, it was perfectly true, even if the Garden was more often a school than an actual base. But even as a school it had military capabilities and more than enough similarity (he assumed) to this one for him to understand the general concerns about him walking around fully armed. Stubborn he might have been, but stupid he was not.
Unfortunately, that also meant a slight change in how he'd have to play. Much as he'd loved to punched the glare off the other man's face it probably wasn't going to be the best of ideas.
"You use force and I'm gonna bet that you'd have your superiors down on your head faster than you could blink." Again, it was assumption, but hey, what was one more to the pile?
"Do you want to test that theory?" he responded cooly.
"Whoa-ho-ho okay, let's hold on for a minute." Daniel decided that it was just about time to step in. "Sam, help me out here?" He shot her a pleading look, knowing he lacked the authority to make the officer stand down.
Sam, also sensing that this confrontation was getting out of hand, gladly stepped in to help. "Stand down, airman," she said sternly. Recognizing her authority, he reluctantly backed off.
Daniel held up both hands, speaking in a complacing tone. "Now look, we don't need to make an ordeal out of this. I'm not sure what our protocal is for this situation is, or if we even have any." He glanced at Sam for confirmation. She mererly shrugged and gave him a helpless look; they probably did somewhere after the last few incidents, but it was hard to keep track of the procedures for ALL of the incidents they got into.
Daniel pressed boldly onward. "I don't see why we need to take his weapon away from him, especially considering the situation. He could go back at any time, and if he's not carrying it, it'll get left here," he explained reasoningly. "I know him, and I will vouch for him that he won't draw his weapon on anyone while he's on the base. I'm sure the general will back me up on this."
He shot Seifer a very pointed 'and don't you betray my trust on this issue' glare, and then looked at Sam and the airman. "Will you work with me on this?"
The airman hesitated. But he knew that Dr.Jackson was a good friend of the general, and if he was vouching for the man and had Col. Carter's backing, there wasn't much else he could do. He nodded his head, standing stiffly at attention. "If that is acceptable to the colonel, Dr. Jackson."
Sam smiled slightly. Apparantly they were getting yet another hardhead for a visit. But she knew she could trust Daniel. "I think that will work, considering the situation."
Of course, he wasn't going to actually comment on that fact, and the glare that Daniel sent his way was ignored with the ease of long practice, but given that he was settling back into that half-slouch of his it looked like he didn't have any intention of drawing it on anyone. Drawing it to show people what it looked like, maybe but he was figuring that was probably okay.
Especially given the alternative that Daniel had presented. He'd just gotten it back, after all and really wasn't looking to lose it in some alternate dimension.
"Really not lookin' to get it lost again," he commented with a shrug.
A few minutes later, Daniel, Seifer, and Sam were inside the general's office. Landry gave the new visitor a lookover (probably wondering to himself about the outfits these people wore). Glancing back and forth between Daniel and Seifer for a moment, he finally said calmly, "Is there anything specific I should know?"
Daniel shrugged. "Not that I can think of. He's not going to hurt anyone while he's here."
"Um...he did see the stargate, Sir," Sam added uneasily.
Daniel hurried to add, "But I don't think it will be a big deal, since he's not from an Earth reality."
Landry had looked a little unsettled at the mention of Seifer seeing the stargate. This whole affair was getting tiresome. Settling back in his chair, he said, directly to Seifer this time, "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
There was nothing accusatory in his tone. He just wanted to get a feel for this new 'visitor'.
And that left only the question of what to say. Deliberately pissing the other guy off was... not likely to be the best idea, so his usual sorts of answers were out. Or at least until he'd gotten a general feel for the guy.
"Got a nice place here," he answered after a moment of thought. "Wonder what Cid would make of it."
When the general's eye settled questioningly on the weapon Seifer was wearing, Sam gave a brief explanation of the confrontation in the Control Room. Nodding absently (although there may have been the slightest hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth), Landry asked Seifer with casual interest, "So what do you do in this other reality of yours, Mr...?"
Daniel blinked, realizing that he had only given Seifer's first name. He actually wasn't even sure he remembered the teenager's last name; it had been quite a while ago that they were first introduced, after all.
"Almasy." He wouldn't fault Daniel for forgetting. This time. "And I'm a mercenary. SeeD trained since the age of ...six I think, and briefly in charge of the Galbadian Army."
Of course, that was because of Ultimecia but Seifer was hardly going to mention that. The fewer people who knew about that the better.
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