Summary: Daniel Jackson’s super-genius scientist friend/coworker, Samantha Carter, built a machine intended to try and study the dimensional energy signature left behind on Daniel after his strange trip to alternate-reality Manhattan. (AKA Daisychain) The machine goes haywire, and suddenly Daniel finds himself involved in another strange trip! Read
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Then Kaylee - Kaylee! - was hugging him with a grip that momentarily rivaled Raiel's during his first trip.
Daniel was speechless for a half-second, and then a huge grin filled his face as he gave the woman just as big a hug back. "I thought that hammock looked familiar!" he laughed, not even bothering to keep the excitement he was feeling out of his voice. Kaylee, one of his closest and earliest friends from alternate Manhattan - safe, alive, and right in front of him!
Releasing her from the hug, he stepped back just enough to get a good look at her. Her actual question finally sunk in, and he gave her a sheepish grin. "Let's just say I'm having a little trouble staying in my own space and time right now." If she wanted more details, she could ask for them after they were done being this excited to see each other.
He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head in disbelief, that huge smile still stuck to his face. "I can't believe this! It is so good to see you again! Are you okay?" The last question poured out practically by accident, revealing a little of how worried Daniel had been feeling about everyone since he'd been forced onto the early train home.
Ai ya he was a sight for sore eyes. Didn't look like he'd been bothered or injured or anything upon leaving Manhattan or arriving here. Looked and sounded fine, with that smile that only Daniel could bring into the room.
"No worries, none at all. Most everybody went home nice 'n safe." Some that she wasn't sure about...she was still hoping for. Worry later, be excited in the now.
She tugged on his arm, eager to find Mal or Jayne or somebody before he decided to vanish as quickly as he'd appeared. Just to make sure she wasn't crazy. "C'mon," she grinned. "I'm thinkin' it's been a long time comin' that you've needed to meet Serenity here."
"That's great to hear," he replied, somewhat relieved. Again, even hearing that certain people had made it home safe wasn't as reassuring as seeing it for himself.
He broke out in a good-natured laugh as the shorter woman half-dragged him towards the door. Kaylee always had been immensely proud of her little ship, seeing as it had come up in multiple conversations back in Manhattan. "Well, since I've got nothing else to do right now," he teased, "I guess I'll let you show me around."
After all these years he'd once again found a cause to fight for, and even Inara's inability to recall their time together couldn't ruin that for him.
He'd been just about to check up with Kaylee on some new repairs when he heard a voice he hadn't heard in a while, and shouldn't have heard in this universe at all.
"Kaylee, I swear if I round that corner and find myself back in that Gorram city, I will be very very annoyed."
"Wouldn't be all bad, would it? Now that we know what to do, 'n all." She dragged Daniel around the corner to face Mal as well. "No worries, we ain't there, but somebody here's been havin' trouble stickin' to home..."
She probably looked like a child bringing home a lost puppy right now, but she didn't really care. Way too much excitement to care. "You wouldn't mind any if I showed him 'round, would ya?"
Tipping his head towards the woman, Daniel added, "Basically what she said. Let's just say I have a astrophysisist friend who finds dimensional travel interesting...anyway, her machine malfunctioned." He grinned sheepishly. "Don't worry, I go back after a few hours at most, so I won't be in your hair for long." Just in case that was a concern.
That was about as much of an explanation as they were going to get out of him. He didn't know most of the technical details, anyways (although he might be able to recite some of Sam's ramblings if asked), and after the fourth or fifth time jumping dimensions, it got a little tiresome trying to explain for each new visit. In the meantime, hopefully that would put the captain at ease about how one of the people from Alternate Manhattan had magically appeared on his ship.
He WAS interested in seeing the rest of the ship, but it did seem like a good idea to actually get the okay of its captain first.
Well, without Kaylee and Wash anyway.
Now, though, it seemed the past had come back to visit, and with noticeably less shooting than usual. That probably should have worried him.
"Kaylee, while we met some plenty fine folk there, I would be happy to never see that Fei fei de pi yan of a city again."
Turning to Daniel, Mal gave the other man a friendly nod and said, "Of course not. Wouldn't do for a legitimate transport ship to turn away passengers, no matter how they got on board. Though if I were you, after all that work we did to get back home, I wouldn't go anywhere near anything that involved the words 'dimensional' and 'travel.' But to each his own I suppose."
Turning back to Kaylee, he said, "I think I can trust this lovely lady to show you around. Ain't no one who knows the ins and outs of Serenity better than our Kaylee. Just, mind you don't touch nothing that looks important. It might be liable to break off."
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