1) On a rather "omgwtf" note, check out this, dear ones. Link gacked from mimesere. To paraphrase one of her commenters, makes one just want to go back to bed and hide under the covers. And as I said, talk about un-American
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I was always very old school about church music, even as a kid. The new stuff has no hint of the profound about it, for the most part, and frankly that's what it's all about, for me. I find the pop-commercialization of religion appalling.
For A-Level Music, I'm studying Bach chorales and 'profound' is what you'd call it. I love them and what you typed struck me as what I haven't been able to put into words.
Also, on a completely different topic, is there a format for posting drabbles over at BPS? I've written one (my first ever one! *bounce*) for the most recent picture challenge and have been wondering about how to go about it. What do you do?
Re: music -- I was in choir for six years in Jr. High and High School, and was fortunate enough to have directors that liked to focus on really wonderful classical pieces. Yes, some of Bach's pieces are absolute genius--prayer in its purest form, as far as I'm concerned.
Re: posting - In the subject line you could put "Picture Challenge Drabble: [insert title here]" and then it would be easily identifiable.
For A-Level Music, I'm studying Bach chorales and 'profound' is what you'd call it. I love them and what you typed struck me as what I haven't been able to put into words.
Also, on a completely different topic, is there a format for posting drabbles over at BPS? I've written one (my first ever one! *bounce*) for the most recent picture challenge and have been wondering about how to go about it. What do you do?
Re: posting - In the subject line you could put "Picture Challenge Drabble: [insert title here]" and then it would be easily identifiable.
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