1) On a rather "omgwtf" note, check out this, dear ones. Link gacked from mimesere. To paraphrase one of her commenters, makes one just want to go back to bed and hide under the covers. And as I said, talk about un-American
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I was pondering your post while peeling potatoes, it's very conductive to thinking deep thoughts. ;)
I went on a school trip to Body Worlds when it was here in Berlin, about five years ago. The experience left me in two minds. On one hand, it's undeniably fascinating. On the other, I couldn't stop thinking that this were humans once, and were now dead bodies, and they were used for entertainment and to make money. Reminded me of an Auto de fe. Also, I seriously dislike the shifty guy who runs the whole thing. He may have started out as a scientist, but long since switched to entertainment, while still trying to sell it as science. Like "The Da Vinci Code", all sounds very interesting and cool, and the author says it's 100% true, but most of it is either made up or sidetracked so it fits the author's plan.
The experience left me in two minds. On one hand, it's undeniably fascinating. On the other, I couldn't stop thinking that this were humans once, and were now dead bodies, and they were used for entertainment and to make money.
Exactly what I felt. I wasn't at all sure about going to see it, when I first heard about it, but my little one, weemonkey6, and one of her other boyfriends, who is pre-med and taking an anatomy class, came home raving about it and with a fat book with pictures, and it just looked too interesting. Which it was. In a very weird way.
I didn't realize you were in Berlin, btw. You are German? You don't write with an accent. (Which would seem a laughable statement, except that Brits are often detectable from the "sound" of their writing). I was never in Berlin, but I was in Hamburg for a few days once--rather delightful. I'd love the opportunity to see more of Germany, and the other countries of Europe, too. Someday...
I'm Russian, and I've been living in Berlin for about 15 years now. I went to school in San Diego for a year, so I still speak English with a SoCal accent, but my choice of words tends to be heavily influenced by my British friends. Also, my other half is English, and since we speak on the phone every night, I pick up a lot of Really Odd Words. :)
Ever since I moved into the Harry Potter fandom in 2001, I switched to BE spellings and word choice when I write, whether LJ or fiction. I'm fickle. :)
I switched to BE spellings and word choice when I write
I like their spellings and word choices, too, but I'm not consistent about it, so my PotC writing is sort of a mixture of both BE and American.
We were in Russia for a few days, too--St. Petersberg. Quite amazing. And we lived in San Diego when I was first married. But I was born in North Hollywood (about 30 miles from here), and grew up in this area. I love to travel, though, and one of the most fantastic things about being involved in the PotC fandom has been "meeting" folks from all over the world through Live Journal, and Black Pearl Sails. It's a wonderful thing to realize there are others like me out there.
I was talking about StP with toorain when he came back from his one-week trip to Russia. It's such a European city, both in architecture and spirit. I'm from Moscow, which is openly barbaric and very much Russian in a way that StP is too refined for. I loved what I saw of then-Leningrad, but it was like going to a different country.
I agree, the international aspect of fandom is one thing that draws me to it again and again. There is some common idea that connects us (handsome repressed men in tight breeches and sexy but ridiculous wigs, for example), but apart from that we're all so very different that it's an entire education talking to other fans and getting to know what their worlds look like. I've met some wonderful friends that way. In fact, most of my really close friendships either started or continued online.
There is some common idea that connects us (handsome repressed men in tight breeches and sexy but ridiculous wigs, for example)...
but apart from that we're all so very different that it's an entire education talking to other fans and getting to know what their worlds look like.
It is, indeed. I find it particularly amazing (and humbling) that so many non-native English speakers write as well or better than I. A great many Americans see themselves and our country as the epitome of civilization, and it just is not true. I fear for the future of my country if its citizens don't start looking on themselves as members of the world community, rather than just as Americans.
But then, I'm one of those "crazy Californians", so what're you gonna do?
I went on a school trip to Body Worlds when it was here in Berlin, about five years ago. The experience left me in two minds. On one hand, it's undeniably fascinating. On the other, I couldn't stop thinking that this were humans once, and were now dead bodies, and they were used for entertainment and to make money. Reminded me of an Auto de fe. Also, I seriously dislike the shifty guy who runs the whole thing. He may have started out as a scientist, but long since switched to entertainment, while still trying to sell it as science. Like "The Da Vinci Code", all sounds very interesting and cool, and the author says it's 100% true, but most of it is either made up or sidetracked so it fits the author's plan.
Uh. Babbling. Shutting up now.
Exactly what I felt. I wasn't at all sure about going to see it, when I first heard about it, but my little one, weemonkey6, and one of her other boyfriends, who is pre-med and taking an anatomy class, came home raving about it and with a fat book with pictures, and it just looked too interesting. Which it was. In a very weird way.
Ever since I moved into the Harry Potter fandom in 2001, I switched to BE spellings and word choice when I write, whether LJ or fiction. I'm fickle. :)
I like their spellings and word choices, too, but I'm not consistent about it, so my PotC writing is sort of a mixture of both BE and American.
We were in Russia for a few days, too--St. Petersberg. Quite amazing. And we lived in San Diego when I was first married. But I was born in North Hollywood (about 30 miles from here), and grew up in this area. I love to travel, though, and one of the most fantastic things about being involved in the PotC fandom has been "meeting" folks from all over the world through Live Journal, and Black Pearl Sails. It's a wonderful thing to realize there are others like me out there.
I agree, the international aspect of fandom is one thing that draws me to it again and again. There is some common idea that connects us (handsome repressed men in tight breeches and sexy but ridiculous wigs, for example), but apart from that we're all so very different that it's an entire education talking to other fans and getting to know what their worlds look like. I've met some wonderful friends that way. In fact, most of my really close friendships either started or continued online.
but apart from that we're all so very different that it's an entire education talking to other fans and getting to know what their worlds look like.
It is, indeed. I find it particularly amazing (and humbling) that so many non-native English speakers write as well or better than I. A great many Americans see themselves and our country as the epitome of civilization, and it just is not true. I fear for the future of my country if its citizens don't start looking on themselves as members of the world community, rather than just as Americans.
But then, I'm one of those "crazy Californians", so what're you gonna do?
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