Yo! People!

Oct 14, 2004 19:16

Greetings from your Geek Mama!

Have not posted in a while, so must play catch up. Not that my life is the Kaleidoscopic Festival of Important and/or Fascinating Activity it is for most of you. But I am still extant, and thinking of you all. I won't bother putting it behind a cut: most everybody is spamming my flist with huge posts, so why should I be any different, eh?

Worked. Shuffled Papers. Contended with Irate, Irrational Parents who do not seem to realize They Are The Problem for both themselves and their children. Strange. It's quite obvious to the rest of us.

Went to Tapioca Express WAY too often. OMG, is that good. And they have FOOD now, so I can go for lunch. Good Lord. As though I'm not fat enough. Of course eating isn't my problem, it's lack of exercise, since all I do is read or, alternately, write on the computer. This must stop. Well, not stop, but a wider variety of activity needs to be crammed into my DAY, so I can fit into my clothes again. I will address this issue. Tomorrow. (Or maybe Saturday.)

Golf last Saturday with shockwavesix, and Art&Marian. Got a four and a couple of fives, some real sixes and some six+'s (there is no score higher than that in GeekMamaGolf). Fun was had, followed by breakfast out.

Sunday was dr_mrow's birthday. (I won't tell you how OLD he is, but it begins with a three and ends with an oh!) This had escaped my notice, somehow, but ladymora told me on their arrival from the Great Western War to pick up Duchess the Beautiful (who was an excellent guest: there was a little hissing and growling, but nothing worse). Fortunately I had made an Excellent Dinner (Pork Loin with Garlic and Marjoram; Baked Yams; Spinach Souffle; Sliced Tomato; Apple Sauce) and we'd picked up a Birthday Pie at Marie Callenders, and I even had an Appropriate Gift, my barely used copy of Quicksilver, which he had been admiring. It was perfect. The Mrows stayed overnight, too, and I took them out for Day After Birthday Breakfast the next morning.

Have been ecstatically reading more chapters of the superb Trochal by tessabeth and Mortal Hazards by viva_gloria. Such excellence. New friend porridgebird got the message, and has been reading and exclaiming incoherently, too.

The lovely tessabeth is kindly lending me beta aid in doing some much-needed editing on Harry & the Pirate. I created a community, harry_and_jack for this purpose and am posting two or three chapters a day, editing as I go. I hope to have all three stories up by the end of the month (not sure this is realistic as they total about 120,000 words), at which point I hope to start the fourth one, for which I've been developing A Plot. Such mindless fun. tessabeth is the best! So ecstatic to have someone to beta my stories, and such a fantastically talented someone at that.
ETA: Stayed up until 2:30 A.M. editing chapter six. One would think editing something already written wouldn't take quite much time, but this is apparently untrue. Perhaps my goal of finishing the other 48 chapters by Nov. 1 is unrealistic.

Tomorrow morning the Apple Tree Killers will return to plant our Mid-Pride Peach Tree. TGIF!
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