And the Drabble Theme of the Week is...
Since it was established in September of 2003, the Black Pearl Sails Yahoo Group has been having a weekly Drabble Challenge, and our members have come through with many great works over the years. As Drabblemistress
trinityday tells us...
Drabbles are 100 word stories. Well, mostly they are. We tend not to worry about trifling things such as word count, not if it gets in the way of a good story.
The drabble challenge runs Wednesday to Wednesday, but see the above rules if you get inspired by one of the previous topics, listed at
Black Pearl Tales. All responses are also archived on that site, so please make a note if you do *NOT* want your story there.
All of you are invited to write a drabble on the theme of the week. Please leave a comment on this post with a link to your drabble, or you can put your drabble in a separate post on
blackpearlsails. Remember to keep to the code -- Black Pearl Sails is non-slash and has a rating limit of soft-R. It's amazing what you can do within those parameters, a fact to which
our drabble archive will attest.
It's only a hundred words -- you can do it!