Piratical Stuff

Jun 20, 2007 21:17

In an effort to focus on my Piratical Happy Place, as opposed to RL which is verging on out-of-control, I shall post some Links of Interest...

fabu posted this one, this morning, a really good analysis of why AWE got such bad reviews among critics. Makes sense to me.

Ramblings and Musing on Elizabeth the Sufferer, interesting meta that compassrose7577 posted, and that I replied to.

More Harry Potterish than piratey, celandineb wrote Honeymoon for ME ( !!! ) at felaine's request. Very cute ficlet featuring Ron/Hermione.

penknife posted a wonderful commentary track for her excellent post-AWE fic, Nine Pieces of Eight, in which nine of the characters of PotC meet up again with Calypso.

artaxastra posted a great commentary track as well, of Cradle Tales, the fourth chapter of her Outlaws and Inlaws series, which I can't really say enough good things about. Read it, if you have not, it's fabulous writing -- 1 The Swan in Flight, 2 Outlaws and Inlaws, 3 Four Days of Advent, and 4 Cradle Tales.

Things have been hopping over at impofperversity -- much slashy Sparrow/Shaftoe goodness has been produced in honor of tessabeth's natal day, and the current long fic she and viva_gloria are working on, Bounty, is wonderfully involved and suspenseful. I've been a slacker about commenting over there lately, but I assure you, the writing is consistently excellent.

That's all for now. Hugs to the flist!


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