Well, it's jury duty for me tomorrow: I requested a specific day, so I have to show up at the Ventura County Courthouse at 8 o'clock in the morning. Ugh. On the negative side I can't really afford to miss work: there is just TOO MUCH TO DO before school starts, and I'll miss a day or two setting up my office again as it is. And my new computer, if it ever comes (and who knows what kind of problems I'll have with XP....O_o)-- that'll take another day. I have a feeling my Labor Day weekend is booked.
On the plus side, I can take a book to read, or work on PLOTS for PotC stuff. Can't write without a plot. I've been reading some of the Character Meta & Theory posts on the
pirategasm Help Desk. Some intricate thinking there: my simple mind is quite boggled. Who knew there were such depths to a Disney flick. Interesting stuff: plot bunnies are hatching right and left.
Don't need no stinking plot for a drabble, though. This is my reply to the current Black Pearl Library challenge, 'Beginnings'.
~ Shipping Out ~
Take care of him, the Captain had said.
He didn’t look like much, but Bootstrap had seen the type before. Climbing the ratlines, the thin frame would grow wiry and strong; that pale skin would burn, then bronze; the soft hands would blister and bleed, then finally callous.
But that face: too pretty by half, even with the shadow of a new beard and moustache, black as the neatly clubbed hair. Bill would have his work cut out there.
Hard to believe he’d been Matthew Deveral’s favorite apprentice.
“So you can draw a map?”
“Aye. But I know ships, too: I was cabin boy on the Lady Mae for a year before I was bound to Deveral. I’ll pull my weight.”
There was something about that crooked smile, the direct gaze of those dark eyes.
Bill nodded, and smiled back. “I believe you will, Jack Sparrow. I believe you will.” ~~