Oh look! THERE'S my Mojo...

Dec 15, 2008 21:22

My Mojo made a surprise appearance at yesterday's spin in at my house.  I've spun up almost a full bobbin of Lame Duck Mallard, superwash BFL in a thick woolen single.  I was so impressed with Elizabeth's yarn that I had to spin up mine.

I'll be two plying this yarn.  I've only done four of the eight ounces, and I'm thinking I may card the second four ounces into batts.  The clors will be much more homogonized, but should still knit up well together.  These spunky club fibers bring up something weird in me.  I have to kind of commit myself to not caring too much about what they'll turn out like.  They're not always colors I'd pick for myself, but they're always an adventure.  I get a different fiber type every month.  Sometimes they're great, and sometimes they're not, but it's worth it for the experimentation.  I'll be joining up again when the club goes live on the 21st.  December's fiber will be 1 year of club membership for me.

In other fiber news, I have two Polwarth fleeces marinating upstairs.  Sunday I pulled a lock out of the superfine silver fleece and thighspun a four ply cabled yarn, just enough to tie around my wrist to see if I could put the yarn against my skin.  I've kind of fallen in love with this yarn. It's a light worsted weight, spun woolen.  I think if I had to do a sweater's worth I'd spin it worsted, instead.  It's a little fuzzy for a sweater right now.  I'll see what happens after I finish my Lame Duck Mallard project.

It's dark, so there are no photos. You'll just have to take my word for it.
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