Feb 01, 2011 20:00
So first day of classes today. Only had one - a conversation class. The professor is really awesome - quite a geek, and very fun. I stayed after class and mentioned Girl Genius to him, since he mentioned he liked science fiction. He seemed really interested. He asked if there was a Spanish dub. I said I’d fandubbed a scene or two, but there was nothing official. A lot of the jokes would be hard to translate, I think.
I have homework - a quick ten-line essay to write on my first impressions of Spain. Took me ten minutes or so. Longer to copy it out longhand when I found out the printer on campus wasn’t working.
Ate lunch on campus like I did yesterday. Café con leche is slowly getting me interested in coffee as something more than a drink I down in a hurry when I need a migraine over fast. The sugary, potent stuff the cafeteria has is good and cheap. So is the calamari. Calamari sandwiches are one of my new favorite things. As is Fanta Limón. Why do we not have this in the US? It’s like fizzy lemonade, and really good. Too good not to import.
Went to Burger King tonight for dinner. It’s actually really different in Spain than in the US. Really nice décor, it’s bigger….you see a lot of teens on dates and families eating together. It’s not a ‘grab something cheap and go’ place like in the US (the prices are a lot higher, too. A Whopper Jr costs more than double what it does in the US. Only 30 cents less than a Whopper, actually. Still really good, though). Once I’m with my new host family (less said about this one the better….) I think I’ll be eating with them. Until then, I’m staying on campus or in town for meals.
Tried to find notebooks for class. Raquel (coordinator’s assistant) said they were cheap in the tiendas chinas (Chinese stores - roughly equivalent to dollar stores. Lots of cheap stuff). There were notebooks, but all full of graph paper. Will have to make do with the one notebook I did bring until I can go to Eroski (kinda like Wall-Mart). They’re really expensive in bookstores. I’ve been past the Eroski once, but not sure where it is. Might go tomorrow evening, after I get my phone, or might go on Thursday. I can last till then. If need be, I can take notes on my laptop. Probably will.
I’m really starting to like Cáceres. The people are nice, the food at shops/restaurants is excellent, and the people in my group are a pretty nice bunch. Will update more, maybe on Friday when I don’t have class. This weekend we’re going to Trujillo, so I’ll definitely write that up on Sunday.
Other neat fact, before I sign off - the program coordinator (who is very awesome) when she speaks English, sounds just like Alex Kingston as Dr. River Song.
a spark in spain,