Sep 05, 2006 12:59
Updating from my parent's house with amazing news! The New Hope Presbyterian Church about a half mile down 119 from here is moving into a new building and the new church that's moving into their old building is... get this...
...Ok, so maybe I'm the only person who finds that exciting, but hey, you guys are the phillistines.
In other news, I've a new car, Jessica is coming down to rock the Boris show with me, a certain situation has been for real completely put away (serious this time), my senior thesis is going to kick ass, that Kristi girl made me ask her out the other day, and I think it's almost time for Nietzsche to have to get his oysters shucked because he's starting to caterwaul alot and is getting a real attitude problem.
A homemade bean burrito and a banana makes a surprisingly damn good breakfast.