I have discovered that normal people suck

Jul 06, 2004 07:11

Hey people I'm on college tours and Presidenal Classroom was cool, at least the program.  I got to talk to people like the private concil to the president and the clerk of the supreme court.  It was so cool and i  got to sit on the house chamber floor, who gets to do that?  The people sucked though, like big time.  When I heard it was going to be the best and the brightest kids in America I thought something like ADVANCE.  I couldn't be so wrong.  I discovered that your GPA does not reflect intellegence.  You have to have a 3.0 to go to the program but the girls in my room had a 9something on the SAT when she STUDIED! and the other one had a 10something.  At the end of the week everyone was like i made such good friends that i'm going to keep in touch  with and I was like you have known them for a week.  I fon't know these people and they sucked and i'm never going to talk to them again.  Normal  and dumb people sucK! must go to breakfast more ranting when i get to Clinton New York and the home of Hamilton 
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