Dec 14, 2016 10:08
I've only recently discovered that my LJ was still active. What a place to return to after so many life changes.
Devon and I went through Hell and back together. We both had to cut people from our lives in the process. We finally escaped Modesto to Bend, OR. We own our own home here on a little hill with a shared driveway - but we love our home.
Today, Devon and I are both snowed in and working from home. The kids are experiencing their first snow day as the schools are closed and we're expected to get upwards of 15" just today.
Inteus, my oldest, is a Senior in High School. He made it to State for Cross Country Running and placed in the top 20 in the state. Aydan, my younger son, is now a Freshman in High School. He's still finding his footing, but he's made friends here despite loudly speaking out against this move from CA at every opportunity. I figure if I don't call attention to it, he might realize that he really doesn't hate it here as much as he says he does.
Modesto had gotten really bad. Statistically, it's now #1 in the country for car theft, and 1 in 6 people have tried or become addicted to Meth. With 4 people in our house, I didn't like those odds. The house across from ours had been rented by a convicted rapist in the last year and we didn't feel safe anymore. Our cars had been broken into multiple times, and I worried about letting my kids even walk themselves to school without getting mugged or harassed. That's no way to live - constantly in fear. One of us was also always getting sick there. Mainly because the air quality was so bad, they have a flag and radio alert system. There are days they actually tell you not to go outside and breathe the air if you can help it.
Bend is a smaller town - about a third the size of Modesto. There are multiple craft breweries and distilleries in the area, a flourishing outdoor activity culture, places to hike, trek, ski all within minutes of our home. This is a town with people who care about each other and we have rarely encountered any jerks. People come out for live music, seemingly every day of the week except Saturdays. There are festivals for everything. Seasons, beer, ale, music, expectation of snow, holidays, you name it. People actively get out and do things. The parks are filled regularly with people skateboarding, playing with their kids, pitching horseshoes, running and picnicking. The food is good, the air is clean, there are trees everywhere, and currently a great deal of snow. Though this is the most snow they've seen here since 1991.
My parents moved to Bend about 3 years ago. My dad has been splitting time between here and San Jose, CA - but my mom has been here full-time. My dad is now here more and more and it's nice to know that I can actually spend more time with him again. I missed him.
I'm working as a Literary Event Consultant - setting up author events with libraries, universities, literary festivals and the varying programs any combination of those might engage in. It's an interesting job, small company. I'm hoping that I can succeed at it, but it's difficult to maintain both motivation and momentum and I worry that I won't last at it. Pretty consistently, in fact. I'm sure that only plays into my difficulties. Anxiety is a funny thing that way.
Devon has found a position as an Open Source Systems Administrator. Basically the job he's worked the last 15 years toward. Which is wonderful for him. He's learning a lot, and getting to prove that he does have what it takes to do this. I think it's probably pretty satisfying to know you're not only being challenged but valued.
Tomorrow, the roads will probably be more clear. The offices and schools will reopen and life will resume. Today, it's easy to get caught up in the coziness of everything.