Feeling very much
like this this morning. Just happened upon it as I was searching for stock photos for work.
Had an exhausting week and weekend, but I got to see lots of people I don't get to see enough.
Had dinner with
romicookie, who should comment even if she isn't posting... I know you're reading this!!!
Got absolutely slaughtered by
cellshade at Scrabble, a game he claims not to have played very much. Either he practices while he's "coding" or he's just naturally very good at games. Jerk. Ringer alert!
Saturday's games and meeting were so tired-making, but I had fun anyway. Got to have a few moments with
princessdiablo's and
_envy_'s characters, which is a treat, especially when they could have been canoodling. And of course the continuing decay of the Augustinians is always entertaining. I have to keep remembering that these are the very values the House is built on, and it's entirely normal for us to be flamboyant and rude.
Sunday we went to the Ren Fair with some of my Orlando posse. You didn't know you were in a posse, did you? Well you are.
onceupon and various boyfriendal, parental, and fraternal units all gathered with us to enjoy the shows and the general ambience. Looking forward to seeing the pictures... I haven't read my flist yet. Jen is gonna be a good one to have along when the zombies come, she's vicious with a small axe. And a large mallet. Even in a dress.
Mondays suck. And I suck at weekly deadlines when everyone else is giving me deadlines that are coming out of every orifice. I'll try to guilt myself into it eventually. Meanwhile the creative center of my brain will rot away. Hooray!