Nov 12, 2008 16:18
Acid Blind
--Jessica Vasquez
Not long ago, they wouldn’t have even walked down the street,
They would huddle together at home in the dark,
Cling to their mother,
Cling to each other.
At first light, they eagerly gathered their books,
Covered their heads with black shawls,
Said goodbye to mother,
Held hands,
Students-on their way to school.
Walking closely together, they whisper,
Muffle giggles, keep their eyes low,
Stop when men on motorbikes pass.
Words slur from the man’s mouth,
He reaches down,
Finds the can of battery acid,
Aims for her eyes.
Her eyes scream,
Her mouth screams,
Her sister screams,
The motorbikes scream.
Her eyes drip red,
But all she sees is black.
Days later, one sister wonders,
Would it be so bad if I was blind, too?