Getting Off My Duff

May 07, 2008 11:21

So instead of just sitting here at work and moping, I've been trying to be productive. Usually when I get bored here at work, I start on-line shopping, which isn't exactly helping the situation. So in the past couple of days, I've been doing good things for myself.

I have:
  • Called UPS Tech Support to get the UPS system working properly on Heather's computer
  • Scanned for new jobs
  • Updated my resume
  • Applied to a few jobs
  • Began working on my personal statement for CSULB. The application isn't due until March 2009, but it doesn't hurt to start early, right? I'm just free-writing right now to get all my ideas on the page--then I can begin whittling down the words to find the nuggets of gold in the mess.

    So aside from my less than exciting days at work, life is going relatively well. Fernando and I have been thinking about what we're going to do with our "economic stimulus" checks. I guess we're leaning towards putting that money into a mutual fund versus buying anything new. We figure--it's free money, you should do something useful with it. As of now, we don't really have the funds to invest heavily--so this will be our first forray into it. Hopefully it yields profits so we can use that money in a few years for our eventual house/kids.

    Investing is such a weird concept when you think about it. It's weird to think that money can grow (or shrink) while you just sit there and go about your life. It's almost not fair--like it goes against the concept of money you had as a child. But if that's the way money works, then so be it. Who am I to complain?

    My parents are flying out to Texas on Thursday to attend Shelley's graduation, which means Fernando and I have been tapped to house and pet-sit. We'll sleep over at my parents' house on Thursday and Friday night, which is not a problem in my book. I love spending time with the cats and taking advantage of my parents' high definition televisions and premium channel subscriptions. They'll be back on Saturday, just in time for Mother's Day. We're planning on doing breakfast/brunch with Fernando's mom on Sunday morning and then doing dinner with my mom. For events like this, it makes me feel good about mine and Fernando's decision to stay in Santa Clarita so we can be close to our families. Even though we pay a premium on rent, it's worth it to me. I can't imagine not being with my mother on Mother's Day.

  • money, family, shopping, school, work, married life

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