Still Sleepless in Verona

Jan 06, 2013 19:45

This will be a bit rambling.....

We did make a change to our excitable boy's medication. His teacher did not see a change although I saw a more settled boy in the evenings and late afternoons.

We did not see a change in his sleeping patterns although it may have gotten worse. We could not count the number of days he crawled into our bed at night. It has been easier to rejoice in the few nights he has not. His doctor says that it is a symptom of his ADHD not of the medication.

We are trying to get into a more strict bedtime routine Trying to get him at least in his bed at a certain time even if he is not tired and going to sleep. We have also switched up his vitamins so that he is taking omega3 in the evening as well as the morning as there is some anecdotal evidence that they may improve sleep in people with ADHD.

It the mean time the come down from his medication it particularly big. Not tears, or other negative behavior. Just a huge burst of energy. Today he was flipping around and almost took out a table and my new TARDIS teapot. He was very apologetic and was able to clean up the mess but I don't think he was sure how it happened he looked bewildered.

7:30 every night is the time for his computer to be off. He is doing really well with this better than the rest of us. I think I need to get a clock for him near his computer so the rest of us can remember as well.

Now as we prep for the first full week of school in three weeks I hope that we can keep up the new routine and get some solid sleep for all of us and some more definite benefit of medication. He is such a smart boy that when he is focused it it wonderful to behold. He loves to talk about Math and the things he learns with Math he loves to think about it and will verbally talk out concepts with anything that is infront of him that applies Tonight we were discussing fractions with his quesadilla it was cut in eighths and he was checking to make sure that he was correct that 2/8 =1/4 and 4/8=2/4=1/2 and so forth.

So after I post this I will do a little clean up for dinner and finish up a work report before Downton Abbey begins.

I will hope for sleep and rest as I enter my 12 days on....

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