Day 9 - lights

Feb 09, 2011 21:36

I have climbed into bed haven finished the day.

I have a friend who is an artist. She always has been but many years ago she got an MFA. She lives a creative life some might call it bohemian. We have not lived in the same stae since we were 16 and that was a long time ago.

She has started blogging and sharing some of her artistic endeavors. Some entries come as instructional  recycled crafts. Today I decided to try one. I didn't find my hole punch (at least the one I would use on this project) you can find my friend, Holly's directions at

They are aluminum can candle holders. I made one, my attempt can be seen in two of these pictures.

I did finish the dishcloth from yesterday. It reminds me of a granny square. And I am not sure if I like how it turned out. I am going to try the pattern again, later.

And I did take my daily night shot of the view out my front door I caught a car on one and feeling self conscious I moved the camera.  I like the movement in light in it, so you get two again tonight.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

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