Feb 29, 2008 10:08
So we had the meeting with Nick's school about his IEP for next year. I had to comment on just how proud of my little boy I am right now!
Seriously I couldn't be happier
First off all, his speech not only caught up but he scored above average on many areas. And at 90 out of 100 for an area where they normally test 6-10 year olds (Go Nick!! ) His Speech therapist is on mat. leave and her replacement thought he was a peer model her first time in the classroom!
His goals are goals for your average kindergartner, learn to write his name learn to read his name, learn letters and to copy writting... the only area he really needs help is social communication so he has a few goals about that, cooperative play and initiating play being one of those.
He will be in a mainstream classroom next year with 60 minutes of help from a special ED teacher which may decrease after he gets into his new routine :D
They reccomended starting him at half day kindergarten but there is no bus in the middle of the day :( so we may be forced to do all day which will be tough.
He'll be the youngest in his class, he'll be 4 when he starts that makes me nervous. they said if he repeats (which is a strong possibility ) than the following year we'll send him to all day kindergarten.
As for the Autism Diagnosis, we were explained why he got Autism versus PDD and it makes sense, basically he meets all of the main criteria for Autism to a mild degree many at the minimum (the social at a higher rate ) where a PDD child may have some of the criteria often to a higher degree than Nick has it... his school psych said that he does better than most kids with a PDD diagnosis do depending on where they are at. So end of the day I'm comfortable with everything.
Love his school principle, she very obviously was advocating for Mr. Nick so that makes me feel he'll be in a very good environment next year!