Nov 12, 2005 20:31
school is soo nutts and fabby at the same time... yes i am teacher's pet.. for all three teachers...HAHA.. oh well... those invitations took me forever...HAHA oh yeah "I EARNED IT! I EARNED IT!" yeahh!! they said my name on the announcements too say i one!! AHHAH thnks allan for picking my name too win! HURRAH!! i was soo happy.. i got my sparkly pencils!!! YEAH!!!! i love themm=) i was soo happy!!
I had swimming yesterday. it was fun<3 i couldn't tell the difference between stroke, T.I.A., angina or heart attack... i thought valerie just had lisp! HAHAHHAA it was soo retarded as usual... kayla practically drowned me tying to do the canadian... HAHAHA "don't pull my shoulders!" "SORRY! oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" HAHAHHAA
I am soo gonna fail science! I didn't listen to one thing she said about the stupid 'make your own efficient cell' project... i am so screwed. again. i have soo much homework!!! here is my homework:
1. outsider's vocab
2. math graph and chart avec shelby
3. science frikkin cell project (fail)
4. clean room (MUST)
5. there is so much other stuff....
we're reading THE OUTSIDERS!!!!!!! even though it totally have read it before (3 years ago) t still gets me.... AHHAHA "sodapop is my lover." HAHAH oh man you guys are too funny... "i can show you the world; something somethins shimmering SPLENDERS!" "it's splendid not splenders!" HAHAHHA!!! LEO IS SOO RETARDED! alissa, those chocolate truffles were soo good! we are gonna start hanging up posters more often! HAHAHA.....
yesterday went too ate rhea and ate aizel's house adn slept over.. FINALLY!! i miss themmm.... we're totally going to watch harry potter!!!!! 6 more days!!!! ohh my goshhh!!! i am so excited.. that day will combine our life passions: books and movies! HAHAHA i also can't wait to read and watch memoirs of a geisha!!! hurrah!!! december somethingg.... we watched fight club toda... it was soo retard but brad pitt=D we were fully not watching the moe and just watching him!!! HAHAHA.. we ate so usual... good times...
school's a bitch