
Dec 26, 2010 14:21

(If this is inappropriate, mods, I won't cry if you balete).

I make number-based jewelry. I'm branching out into quantum mechanics and I need help deciding what number I should focus on first. This is where you come in. :)

The poll is there, and you can also comment to get a free piece of science geeky jewelry from me, if you like!

Also, have some pictures of two bracelets I just finished. Just so that there's some ~*shiny*~ in this post. :D

Feigenbaum's Alpha Constant in Amethyst, Jasper, & Copper (2.50290)

Royal Avogadro's Number in Lapis & Amethyst (6.0221415 x 10^23)

(When I put numbers in my jewelry, I use one kind of bead as a spacer between digits, and a couple other kinds to "spell" out the digits. In the first one, the number is spelled in amethyst & jasper, and the copper beads are the spacers. In the second one, the number is spelled in amethyst & lapis, and the enamel cloisonne beads are the spacers.)

math, science, !finished craft: jewelry

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