various geekery; plushies, a cake, some cellphone charms and shoes

Jul 13, 2010 21:50

Oh man, this place is awesome and I just had to join. :D


As it's my first post here I thought I'd go through all the major crafty things I've done that I have pictures of as a sort of introduction and all. :)

I decided to try my hand at plushie making back in 2007. It went overall well, but I couldn't stand hand sewing so I didn't keep making more [although I had planned to make the whole Organization, plus their weapons... yeeeah. xD;]

Sorry for the kind of HUGE picture, the only one I have is the one I put on my old DA back in 2007 so, yeah.


[Gackt is a Japanese singer, and I think this is dorky enough to be okay here, but if not just let me know and I'll take this part out of my post :)]

I did things like draw and all, but nothing much more creative until 2008, when I made a rather huge cake. A Gackt themed one, at that. It was for a contest on JRR to make a dessert that represented a Jrocker, and as I adore Gackt and love to bake I knew I had to do something.

This cake was made of five separate cakes cut up into pieces and put together. [and icing cut up pieces of cake is NOT easy nor all that fun, I found out] I used chocolate cake to represent Gackt's Seventh Night album, and white frosting for his Sixth Day album. Instead of just any white frosting I used Vanilla for his song Vanilla, from the album Mars. I later added a red boarder to the cake to represent the whole Mars album but I don't like how it looks as much so it's not included here. If you want to see it you'll have to find it on JRR haha~

The cake is/was about 1.5 inches tall, 33 inches wide, and 24.5 inches long. And the irony is that I don't even EAT cake. xD

Since 2008 I've done a few little artsy stuff, but not much.

Until this year. This year has been full of projects.

First was, back in May, some Hetalia cellphone charms which I sold at an anime convention--

and a pair of shoes which I also did in may to sell at an anime convention.

You can also see in the background there a Toothless I was [and still am xD;;] making. I obviously didn't make the shoes; I only painted and sealed them and all.

And then just last week and this week I made my second and third plushies, as I finally got my hands on a sewing machine.

Sasuke, for a friend when she was feeling down. I can't take any more pictures of him, as he's now a few states away with her, and other than some in-progress shots this is the only picture I have. xD

Russia for a friend's birthday, which isn't until October so I'm keeping him long enough to reference him to make one for myself [as when I make plushies the only thing I have a pattern for is the body, so yeah xD] and then I'll just give him to her.

All plushies, including the one I made of Xemnas back in 2007, can be fully dressed and undressed. I like making them like that, as it makes adding things to each piece easier if I can take it off the doll, and also because people seem to love playing with them and undressing them and such. xD Oh, and everything is separate. Shoes, gloves, arm bands, leg warmers, shirts, jackets, etc etc so everything but the hair and eyes can be messed with. And the pocket on Sasuke's leg is a real pocket and has a felt kunai in it. I adore little details, if you can't tell by now haha~

I also made a little... keychain thing of England from Hetalia for myself, so here:

He looks bigger than he is; I have a mini laptop so he's not all that big, really...

But I'm not super fond of him, so I don't think I'll be making many, if any, more. I'll definitely be making more plushies though, as I love making them and I think that, for having only made three so far, they're pretty good.


I made a France to go with him, because I adore this pairing and could not resist~
And yes, I so totally did lay the chain in the shape of a heart on purpose. |D

Thanks for looking! :D ♥ Please let me know if I've screwed up any with the tags; I tried to tag everything correctly though... orz

Also, you can see more at my DeviantArt, my Twitter/Twitpic and, of course, on my personal LJ. :)

A note; I don't have an Etsy or anything like that, but if anyone is interested in anything or wants me to make them something just let me know; I'm open to any sorts of commissions. Well, except for cakes. Those wouldn't mail well, I'm sure. xD Just thought I'd throw that out there~

how to train your dragon, naruto, kingdom hearts, !finished craft: shoes, gackt, axis powers hetalia, !finished craft: plush, !finished craft: cell phone charm, !finished craft: cake

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