Hey All. I've only posted a few times, but I have something new I've been working on. I'm headed to San Diego Comic Con in July, and my first costume for the event is complete. I've got more coming that are almost done, but costume 1 is The Other Mother from Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Let me know what you think!
The pictures aren't very good, they were taken on my phone.
Front View:
Blurry Side View:
Being a Creeper View (aka hide yo' kids):
The wig is a decent synthetic number I found online at voguewigs.com. The button eyes are molded plastic, and even have molded thread so they look stitched on. I can see through the holes, not perfectly but well enough. I'll post the vendor where I got those when I dig up his info.
Any thoughts? I'm a little worried about this one because I feel like my other costume is way cooler (I'll post when it's complete). My husband said it just kind of looked like a suit but with weird eyes and a bustle... the other costumes I've found online are intimidating! My normal meilleur for costuming is a bit more historic in nature.