Firefly, Doctor Who, and Portal inspired pieces + general girls' night geekery...

May 25, 2012 03:18

First off, thanks to everyone who commented and offered advice on my Mario Kart question earlier this week. I think I have a good game plan for what I want to accomplish and you guys made it THAT much better with your advice!

So, um, yeah...On to the Shiny! Allons-y!!

Since I think I've forgotten to show this off every single time I've been on here, this is the Tiny TARDIS ornament I made for a friend who is as big of a fan of The Doctor as I am.


And this is a crochet hook roll that I made for myself because I keep losing hooks as I'm trying to learn to crochet (with the goal of once I learn how to crochet WELL, to make a TARDIS afghan...Because, c'mon, who DOESN'T need a TARDIS afghan??)

I started off with some scrap fabric from an old ripped pair of jeans, and some "waste" cross-stitching fabric (14 count), and a pattern of the Serenity symbol that I designed myself:


Then I added words from the Team Unicorn song, Geek & Gamer Girls:


And, of course, it wouldn't be a Browncoat design without mentioning SHINY!


After removing the "waste" canvas (which, by the way, proved to be a much bigger pain in the ass than I ever remember it being *grumble* I gots a blister! Totally worth it though.)


The full back of the hook roll, after I added grommets, felt (on the inside), and ribbon:


The inside, with the top folded down to keep the hooks incased:


The inside, with the top up (The top, by the way, snaps in place to keep everything a-okay during rides around in my sewing bag. I'm rough on bags in general; and have often said I'm the only person I know who can destroy a fossil bag in 6 months or less, which is yet another reason why this roll is made from denim-It seems durable!):


Rolled up from one angle:


And from another angle (with cute bows!):


Portal Cupcake for my friend Chris (The same guy who got the Pyramid Head cross stitch piece-He loved them both!)


After the candle was lit at the restuarant:

The cupcake was a chocolate-caramel, milky-way-inspired, cupcake; with fudge frosting, decorated with dabs of vanilla frosting and m-n-m's.

And this, I snagged from the Firefly fan group on fetlife, where the person said it came from; but I haven't made it yet...I just thought you guys might enjoy a good recipe for Mudders' Milk...

Mudders' Milk

-1 quart soy milk, plain
-12 ounces stout beer; such as Guinness
-1/2 cup wheat germ
-1/2 cup brewers yeast
-Approximately 6 ounces grain alcohol, such as Golden Grain (or vodka to taste)

Mix soy milk, beer, wheat germ, and brewers yeast in a 2 quart pitcher; stirring well. Chill. Before serving, either add the grain alcohol to the whole batch to achieve the 15% alcohol that Jayne boasts; or mix glasses of the "milk" with vodka to taste.

Serve in rustic pottery mugs and get ready to sing "The Hero of Canton"!!


And general girls' night geekery. This is what happens when my friend Chrissy and I have too much time on our hands, too many legos, and a steady supply of beer. We made mini pizzas, drank the aforementioned beer, watched Fifth Element (YAY!), and built a lego TARDIS...Complete with the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, AND THE SONIC SCREWDRIVER. :)


Hope you guys enjoyed looking ALMOST as much as I enjoyed geeking out and making all of this stuff...especially the lego TARDIS :)

sewing, !wip: cross stitch, !finished craft: ornament, geek, firefly, !finished craft: sewing, crochet, doctor who, !finished craft: embroidery, portal, tardis, !finished craft: cake, cake, !finished craft: cross stitch

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