Knitting binge, continued

Aug 06, 2011 02:16

So you'll remember that I was making a whole heck of a lot of Doctor Who scarves. Here they are, the finished results!

Here are the three Baker scarves I've got complete and ready to sell.

Scarf A is 50 bucks, Scarf B is 40, and Scarf C is 20. Any takers?

Here was that design again for the Davison scarf.

And here's a few pics of the finished product. I wasn't able to get the color-matching to where I wanted it, and the purling-for-the-picture had that nasty curling effect again, but here it be.

For the bottom fringe, I decided to try to emulate the Doctor's striped pants, rather than repeating the blonde fringe from the top.

For those interested at all in the process, here's a few shots of what the back of it looks like.

doctor who, scarf, peter davison, tom baker, knitting, finished craft

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