*Rushes to do her entry so she can go to bed and not look at Friends page which by now must be too much to handle.*
Well, the past few days have been good. Camp ended on Friday!! I got lots of tips. I made out more than $100 better on that than last year. I miss my campers, but I'm glad to be free and to be able to sleep late. (Psst I feel so rebellious haha) I miss my Skunkie! I got to see Mike on Friday, which was great since I almost didn't get to. I even got to see Glinda and give her the signed Cheno playbill for her belated bday gift! AND today I got to see Josh (BASEMENT!) and Aditi and Glinda and Shannon and yes it was good. Something weird--a lot of freshmen. Its really strange. It makes me sad that I'm not a freshman anymore. :( ... More on that later.
Ummm. Tonight my mom and I made dinner together. It was sooo good. Its so nice to hang out with her and talk and stuff. :) Yay. We might go into NYC on Wednesday to see Aida. Not sure yet. And by the way--if you are going into AP US History I and didn't visit the historical site yet, I'm probably going this Friday during the day to Monmouth Battlefield, so let me know and we will go like whoa. My mom volunteered to drive both ways; we can fit six passengers in our car.
So as I mentioned earlier, I'm sad that I'm not a freshman anymore. I mean, it was such a great year. Everyone and everything was new and exciting. I had such a great time. And now, I feel like its the end of some kind of party and I have to get sober or something. Boo! I wanna stay drunk lol. And I miss the school--the social part of it. I mean, meeting up with your friends in the cafeteria before school, or lunch fun...or afterschool activities...like drama and forensics--so much fun, so many good times that I miss it all so much and I'm very much missing the seniors right now. Its like...I actually am going forward in life and starting something new, instead of everyday doing the same thing (going to Ranney camp, switching off weekends between Mom and Dad). I think I might cry the first day because of all the new freshmen and the loss of the seniors. But then I'll cry cuz I'm so happy to see my friends and have a social life. Hmm. Loser much? So basically, I'm excited but I'm not. And I'm sad but I'm happy. And I can't believe I'm not a freshman anymore. Holy fucking shit the summer is almost over. Ahhh!
I got a messed up tan. My left side is lighter than my right side. Haha. I left my charger at my dad's and my cell is low on power. Boo. I miss Mike. Boo.
I'm out for the night.
-the Witch-
What do you say
When it's all gone away?
Baby I didn't mean to hurt you
Truth spoke in whispers will tear you apart
No matter how hard you resist it
It never rains when you want it to.