Sep 28, 2004 21:33
I'm trying to shrug off how much it bothers me, but I can't. I just can't. I guess its who I am--a jealous person. Somehow I don't see why it irks me so much. I mean, I'm not one of those girls on TV who suddenly becomes uber bitch in that situation...But I don't know, maybe because I don't know her/haven't known her for that long. I mean, with people I know I know they're not a threat...well, I guess I revert back to old times. Am I bitter? No idea. Too tired to evaluate myself.
I better get back to studying. I am so going to fail the history test tomorrow. Especially that essay part: I've no idea what to put. Someone bless my soul. :(
Also, I have to finish all my PEDLIGS tomorrow night. I only did about four people so far. THAT'S IT. I have a feeling this week is going to over stress me.
And yeah, okay, so at least I'm an understudy...but...its just so...icky. I feel so stupid because freshman got parts and I'm just an understudy. I mean, if it was for a bigger part I'd understand, but my part is like...Whatever. Don't complain...Man, am I jealous or what these days? I just wish that I could do crew stuff instead of cast stuff...I mean, I'm not even going to be doing any cast stuff during the shows so I feel like I'm a waste or something. STOP.