Title: Doctor Who - The Doctor Dances (episode trailer)
geekchick1013Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen
Song: "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback
Summary: Fan-made trailer for Series one, episode ten: "The Doctor Dances." A strange plague is affecting the survivors of the London Blitz. With the Doctor and Rose trapped in a hospital surrounded by the infected, Captain Jack may be the only hope to save the human race. And then there's the dancing...
Warnings: None.
Vidder's Notes: The idea was to make a mini-vid/trailer for each episode of New Who. I got all the way to the Christmas special before I petered out.
Click to view
Additional Notes:
This one was another that required seemingly endless tinkering to get right. I started with another song and ended up changing to this one after I realized it fit far better. In fact, it kind of gives away the ending of the episode, it fits so well :\ Ah well. One of the major challenges with these trailers is keeping them interesting without being too spoiler-y. Sometimes all the best or coolest images happen at the end, which makes the lack of spoilers a bit difficult to manage. The idea then becomes to sneak in quick things from the end that may be rather spoiler-y without giving it too much meaning and thus giving away the ending. Which is... almost impossible. I have a whole new respect for people who make these things for a living.