Fanvid: Doctor Who - End of the World (episode trailer)

May 18, 2009 10:00

Title: Doctor Who - End of the World (episode trailer)
Vidder: geekchick1013
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen
Song: "Before It's Too Late" by Goo Goo Dolls
Summary: Fan-made trailer for Series one, episode two: "The End of the World." The Doctor takes Rose into the farthest reaches of the future to see the destruction of Earth. But when Rose has trouble adjusting to how much things can change, she wonders if she's really cut out for life in the TARDIS.
Warnings: None.
Vidder's Notes: The idea was to make a mini-vid/trailer for each episode of New Who. I got all the way to the Christmas special before I petered out.

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doctor who, vidding, gen

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