Cat trees *cough* ;)
Self, when you are running in to the library to pick up the one book you have on hold that's come in, you do NOT need to take "just a quick peek" at the new arrivals section. That's how you leave with an armload of books, some of which can't be renewed, when you already HAVE
a hundred books waiting to be read. (Hey, look! It's Red Seas Under Red Skies; that's on my wish list. Oooh, Halting State. *yoink* And Whiskey and Water! No, wait. You have Blood and Iron sitting on the "to be read" stack; finish that first. Feasting on Asphalt: The River Run?)
I watched a couple of kids leaving the library with shopping bags full of books that they'd checked out. I used to do that myself when summer vacation rolled around. Now I find myself wondering if I'll manage to finish five books in the three week checkout period. =/ I hope I can swing a trip to the beach this summer; I will take a shopping bag full of books and sprawl on the sand and make my way through the stack.
I was planning to take the laptop and watch an episode of "Ghost Hunters" (a guilty pleasure) while working out on the mini-stepper for a bit, but it's getting late enough that I think I may just shower and crawl into bed instead with a
Fandorin novel instead.