As many of you will be aware, I have been in
NZ since the
start of January, working at
Park Road Post. In all this time, I really haven't done that much of a blog post, save for the
BZDL plans (now available
here) and last week's
rant. Well here I am, now on my last day in this country and I felt that my time deserves some recognition. My leaving is a bittersweet affair, on the one hand I am definatley looking forward to being home with my
lady, my
friends and my family, but I will miss it here. As anyone who has been here will testify , it is a beautiful country. Some of the scenery here is unrivaled in all of the countries I've been to, but above all, it has been the people. With the saddening except of the Wellington Frisbee Club, every single person I have met here has been fun, welcoming and friendly, from the 85 yr old miner I watched the cricket with in Reefton to the 8 yr old daughter of a director we worked with. I have been made to feel part of everything that has happened, never an outsider. It has been a great experience and I'm sure there will be some
damn emotional handshakes at the airport tomorrow.