Sep 26, 2007 12:00
Last night I watched one of the most emotionally effecting film I have seen in a long time, United 93. I came to this expecting another american 'we are glorious, they are evil' rant on celluloid. But I was surprised. I would say pleasantly surprised, but there wasn't much pleasant about the film... I feel that the 9/11 attacks have been used to justify many things in recent years, the most alarming and obvious being ther iraq/afghanistan wars, but also more indirect ways such as The Patriot Act, the resurgences of Neo-Cons in the US goverment, the racial divides re-emerging in the traditional '1st World' and the ideas of national identity cards. But enough politics...
The film focuses on the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93, and their response the hi-jacking of the flight. The story is well known so I wont patronise anyone by going over it, suffice to say that knowing the outcome did nothing to diminish the tension of the story. And it was a welcome change to see shades of moral gray on both sides of the ideological divide, from the hesitant hi-jacker, the army officer unable to focus after the tragedy and the passenger who tried to warn the hi-jackers. This was as true to multi-faceted life as any film I have seen of late...
That and the fact that I'm currently downloading the new season of Heroes, its been a good few days...