couples_therapy Soundtrack for Claire

Apr 10, 2008 12:43

Okay so I had a slow week and decided to make a cassette tape (Yes tape, the Impala still plays those and only those) with some songs that remind me of Claire and I.

Reasons for the track list are mun's reasons because Sam refuses to comment on why. He insists Claire will understand it

Track List:

1. Show Me The Way by Styx
SPN is so about classic rock that I had to put something on there and I think this does a nice job of explaining Claire and Sam. He is so broken and so messed up without Dean that he's just been kind of fumbling around blindly. He's got to have someone show him the way.

2. Broken by Norah Jones
The entire song is very, very Sam from Claire's pov

3. I go to the Barn Because I like the lyrics by Band of Horses
Well i'd like to think i'm the mess you'd wear with pride.
like some empty dress on the bed you've layed out for tonight.

This version of Sam knows he's a broken mess but he's just beginning to think that maybe Claire might like her boys a broken mess

4. All I Ever Wanted by Brian Melo
Sam lost Dean and he just sort of stopped living too. All he did was hunt until he met Claire. Now he's starting to have a life again (which he feels guilty about sometimes) and what he suspects he could have with Claire is everything he ever wanted before Dean died. It scares him to death because he is pretty sure it's going to be ripped away

5. Look at You by The Screaming Trees
Her ghost hides
In my mind
In the night
In a way she's haunting me
I'm wanting her still
Thru rose colored skies
Or blue, blue moonlight
There's miracles on high
She's walking by

When I look at you i've got a 2nd chance
Really need to have you now
One by one they fall it always breaks me down.

Seriously, does this one need explaination. Of course the ghost is Jess and Claire is the second chance

6. Stay with You by the Goo Goo Dolls
But you, turn me toward the light

Claire literally makes Sam a little less dark, a little lighter and a little less broken. Mostly because she tries so very hard to do exactly that

7. Other Side of The World by KT Tunstull
Claire is the exact opposite of everything Sam has made his life. She's the other side of the world as far as he's concerned. He travels a lot too, leaving her in Las Vegas so a lot of the times they are at least on the other side of the country from each other

8. One Thing Is For Sure by the Spill Canvas
Sometimes when I'm far away from you
I get a little lost, a little out of my element

Again with the he's gone a lot and he always reverts back to that dark, empty person without Claire there because he doesn't have Dean

9. Fast Cars and Freedom by Rascal Flatts
This is mostly an homage to the Impala. Claire and Sam really are a three way relationship with the Impala. She was always Dean's girl and now she's Sam's girl.

10. Different by Acceptance
I wanted to see something that's different, something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be, anything different, everything you would change in me.

Got this way, upfront but never true.
God I'm wrong, it's just the way I am.

Sam wants to be different, he wants to be the person he used to be with Dean around because he thinks Claire deserves more than what's left of him. Sometimes though, he thinks maybe she can make him that different person

11.Chase This Light by Jimmy Eat World
Because tonight, the world turned in me.
Because right now, I don't dare to breathe.
Oh, babe, I know, it's alive and somewhere for us to find tonight,
Chase this light with me.

This, for some reason, makes me think of Sam getting back to Claire's house after a hunt gone bad or something that really just hit him hard in the gut Dean-wise. He knows he can crawl his way back to somewhat alright but he needs Claire to help him

12. Counting On You by Train
I had before I left, now Im alone
The place I left behind, had I known

Im counting on you to take me home

It's very Sam without Dean and clinging to Claire.

Zip File

If you really want individual songs, ask and I'll upload.

couples therapy, claire bennet

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