okay... so i'm trying to put into words things i know about the merkabah. for those who don't know what it is who is actually reading my journal, the merkabah is the vessel that enoch rode in to meet god and go through the seven levels of heaven until he reached the point of having the most direct communication with god he was capable of. after this he was ascended in position to metatron, or voice of god. essentially, he became the go between or diplomat between god and humans. there seems to be a little confusion between the merkabah and the metatron cube.
so merkabah is generally translated as the chariot of the god(s) or god's glory and comes from the word kavod which can also be translated as glory or chariot, but can also be thought of as ascension. i can think of three ways off the top of my head to create a merkabah depending on what you want to use it for.
the most obvious are things like the pyramids. iao is basically a diagram for creating this. it is the squaring of the circle:
then you add the alpha, or the triangle. this is your pyramid, or in some cases, your tatrahedron. no tetrahedron in this case, that comes later. the square, of course is the base, each point on the square should touch the circle outline, etc. this is the peripheral energy of the center of both circle of the square. the triangle becomes the focal tool. meaning, if you put four triangle together with a square base, the pentacle of the slope will be the top of the pyramid or the capstone. this directs the energy where to go. usually there will be a platform between the capstone and the pyramid itself. this is because we need a buffer, or storage area, in order to properly control the flow of this energy. that is your basic stargate. it can be used in two ways for transport, depending on your intent. if the capstone is removed, the platform can be removed and the stored energy powers the platform for short physical distances, more or less, using vibrational frequencies. kinda how they're making their "magic carpet" using plastic and piezo-oscillators. for those of you unfamiliar with that term, think of piezo speakers and repurposing them as contact mics. now, take into consideration that the easiest way to make a contact mic is to create a wire harness out of a 1/4" input chord and secure it around a quartz crystal. quartz is reliable and is great for storing resonance and facilitates the transference of sound. anyway, if we can repurpose piezo speakers to make contact mics, and we can make contact mics from quartz and use them to power and receive information in our radios and clocks... and if we can alter our bioelectromagnetic fields using crystals... and we can create energy grids using crystals... well, jumping ahead of myself... point is, crystals emit resonance just as much as they absorb it, which is why they can be repurposed in their use. essentially, depending on the size and shape of the crystal, the silica make up of it can be directed. think of diamonds and lasers. matter is vibration. so we are vibration. crystals are a tool that can be used to concentrate the intention of vibrations, be it sound (radios, contact mics, etc) time (clocks), ourselves (chakra cleansing, healing), imformational storage (compact discs, laser discs), focus (lasers, haarp), the list can go on and on. the real trick is having a clear idea of what that intent is.
anyway... the pyramid can be seen as a merkabah.
the second kind is another obvious one which involves lots of meditation, the idea of khundalini, the opening of the seven chakras (which in the book of enoch can be compared to the seven levels or trials in heaven in which failing results in death... this is truly probably the easiest one, and this is generally what is happening, consciously or unconsiously, prior to out of body experiences or astral projections.
the third one is not so obvious, and the results are a little more less obvious as far as travel goes, but it involves tantric sex practices and the double lotus. it's also demonstrated in the egyptian ankh sex practices. now, most of what i have seen/read on the egyptian practice in this era has been focused in a way that looks at sex almost as a one person thing. for a merkabah, two are necessary. the practice focuses the energy from the root chakra at the time of culmination upward into the body instead of out, which in itself will energize the individual. then from the top of the head it is redirected back into the heart chakra, which then returns to the root chakra and can again be redirected. i heard it say that this gives you three times the normal amount of energy, but the process truly can be rebounded indefinitely, so long as the practitioner chooses. so that's half your merkabah. that is one of your three sided pyramids.
so obviously, as in the star of david (in itself implying two, since david comes from duad which literally means star) there is the masculine (upward facing pyramid) and the feminine (downward facing pyramid). they interlock. in the lotus position, one essentially is sitting "indian style." one leg crosses over the other in an interlocking pattern that forms a rough pentacle shape. however, if you ignore the feet, or sit which your feet touching, or overlap them in the more advanced position where your toes are above your legs, you'll be able to draw a triangle using your knees and sacrum as the points. the woman impales herself on the man, already positioned as such, he is the base for he points upward and lowers herself onto him. she also forms the lotus. now, using the male and female knees and sacrum, you have two interlocking triangles, or star of david. then the two embrace one another. now their elbows and hearts are also forming two interlocking triangles. this is important as the sacred geometry of a merkabah is the tetrahedron. now, here is something many people don't think of. chakras can be accessed from both the front and back side of the body. so when you perform your ankh excercise, you will be sending the energy to the heart chakra, not through your front side, but through your back side, right between your shoulder blades. so, to recap, the i would be the kundalini, or energy moving upward in your body. the alpha is the series of triangles your limbs make. the omega is going to be the loop. and this makes much more sense if you think of the older representation of omega, which almost resembles an m. once it reaches the heart chakra from the backside, instead of returning it to your base chakra, instead you will direct the energy from your heart chakra into the solar plexus of your partner. from there, it will loop again into the root chakra of your partner and can be repeated as desired. the end result will look like a star with butterfly wings, or two people in that embrace but with energy lines that look like two hearts whose points meet in the middle.
here's the thing. those are all great, and stuff. but many people think of the merkabah, they think, hey i'll be able to go anywhere in my physical body anytime i want! hiro from heroes, master of the space and time continuum! hey! back up, butterfly man! that's not what's going on. what you really need is a metatron's cube. enoch took a merkabah to meet god, but once you go through the trials, well, you don't need it anymore. instead you will have access to the metatron's cube. this is your instantaneous transport!
so what exactly is the metatron's cube?
the answer to that is really, really easy.
for the physics geeks, like me, it's a fucking tesseract. a hypercube. it lets people move through space and time as if neither exists, because really, they don't. they're constructs we made up.
so i know what you're thinking... faith! metatron's cube looks nothing like a hypercube! the central star has an 8 pointed star instead of a six-pointed star!
think back to the pyramids, folks. three may be the magic number. it may take three legs to make a tripod or to make a table stand, but the firmer the foundation and more planes available to direct the intent the easier time you have of it. however, not so important in this case.
the important thing is, the convex hull on a tesseract's vertex-centered projection is formed by a tetrahedron! the rest implies infinity. flip your number 8 on it's side and see what you get.