Dec 29, 2006 01:32
So I'm not exactly Dr Pimp. Most of the time I'm pretty clueless when someone is hitting on me. But today at work I apparently sounded extra rico suave, because I had women hitting on me left and right.
Don't get me wrong, not actual women that I could look at and respond to and ask if they're down with the Shocker, but women on phones.
That being said, here are a few thing that you should know will turn me off:
-Lie about your age.
-Admit to lying about your age.
-Tell me you have 5 children.
-Try to talk me into opening your ex-husbands account so you could spy on him.
-Tell me that you have a hard time paying your bill because your SSI check hasn't arrived yet.
-Not know where Oregon is.
-Not know that Oregon is an actual state.
-Not understand what I mean by "west coast of the united states"
-Tell me that you're still married, but will probably get divorced soon.
-Smokers cough
-Notes on your account that warns me "Billing name is verbally abusive".
Yeah, baby, I aint down with ANY of those things.