Warning: insensitive terms approaching.

Sep 11, 2005 22:11

So I have a total of 4 computers, only one of which works. Its actually Carol's, but anyway, it got ebola or some other virus(es). So i had to sandblast it and start over again. I think its still sorta retarded though.
Kathy Griffin was saying on tv that if you play a mentally or physically handicapped person in a movie they will automatically give you an Oscar or at least nominate you. That got me thinking maybe i should be an actor, I can do that. Its kind of a faux pa pah paw to play yourself in a movie though..

My job ends September 30th. People are all sorts of distraught about that but Im actually looking forward to it. I found out that since im a displaced worker I get free schooling for two years. And if Im a full time student they will continue to pay me unemployment. Which will amount to about 1400 a month, not great but feasible. And anyway, Carol just got promoted so we should be alright.
I plan to take a vacation after the 30th and visit people.

My grammar and writing has gone all to Dante's Inferno I tell you. I cant stop starting sentences with conjunctions, all my sentences are run-ons, and there's an overabundance of the words like, or, which, though, anyway and something. and and.

One of my over-intellectual writer friends once wrote a two page story which seriously went like this:

Is is is she is is is not. yes? yes yes if it is he is is not. I I I I I I. is is. No.

Im frickin serious! I was like why are you making me read this shit?! Ive gone retarded!
Two pages. He tried to explain it to me but I continually interrupted him with questions as to how much LSD he has or is been taking.
He's real space cadet, that one. Why am i talking like a farmer?
She's a real looker, that there cow.

He's actually a good writer besides that. He likes to start arguments with me about pointless shite like existence and the nature of life.
I just let him go on and stick to my usual stance which is "Something has to be because without something there cant be nothing." Which is not ebonics, I swear. alot. And i try to keep a straight face. The older I get the less interested I am in riding such trains of thought. I dont really care anymore I just want some french fries and a little peace and quiet for fuck's sake.

Im just kidding, Im not that old yet, besides carol has like a barrel of earplugs. For real yo, I hate it when she leaves the used ones lying around cause they're all sticky. She does that with candy and gum too. I could tell a really horribly amusing story here but I wont get to the end of it with my dignity. Lets just say there are moments when she needs to stop and spit out her gum.

I will leave you with that.
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