Artbook: Barocco Vol. 1 - Otomate Art Gallery

Jul 11, 2010 23:30

I really need to do some more artbook reviews but I haven't had much time lately plus I'm feeling lazy so I'm just going to repost a review I did on the Animepaper Artbook Addict group.

The Barocco Otomate Art Gallery is basically just as it sounds: it's a collection of artwork from several otome games, all of which have corresponding B's Log Gallery books out for them, which might sound like random info but it's actually very important.  There are six series featured, along with a few series that just get a few "coming soon" pages.  The series include Hirro no Kakera, Will o' the Wisp, Edel Blume, Petit Four, Fushigi Yuugi (the video game not the anime/manga) and another one I've honestly never seen before.

I wish I could say that this book is a collection of all the full page illustrations from the various game guides but sadly it is not.  Instead it is as if they took all the other content from those guides and compressed it into one book.  So there are lots of character images that take up almost the full page, and lots of pretty CGs that usually are a larger resolution then then ones that appeared in the game guide.  But obviously there are a lot less pages devoted to each series.  In the end I think the only new artwork is the image that appears on the front and back cover, although I swear I've seen that somewhere before...

In my huge image collage below you can see some previews from the inside of the book as well as the special postcard book it comes with.  The final two images I compare the artwork from Barocco with the artwork from the game guide of the same series (Will-o'-the-wisp).  Hopefully this will give you a decent idea of what the book has to offer.

Overall Review:
I know it sounds like I'm really ripping on this poor book but in reality the only way I could recommend it is if you want a sampling of several Otome games but don't want to buy the separate game guides for each series.  Which isn't a bad idea actually as Barocco is not much more then one guide and it's a whole lot cheaper then buying 6 separate guides.  The book is a nice quality but there are just too few full page images for me to recommend buying it to the casual artbook collector. 

Title:  Barocco Vol. 1 Otomate Art Gallery
Pages: 144
ISBN-13: 978-4891990275
Amazon Listing

Index of Artbook Reviews

artbook, visual novel, otome, video games

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