Okay, I know I've been posting a lot of youtube clips on here recently, so I PROMISE this will be the last for a little while!! But really, How It Should Have Ended, or HISHE, deserves to be mentioned.
A fair number of you have probably heard of HISHE, but just in case I'll explain it. HISHE takes popular movies, like Superman, Spiderman, Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Star Trek, Wizard of Oz, Transformers, the Matrix, and more, and points out either major plot holes, something the characters could have done to keep disaster at bay, or pokes fun at the storyline in general.
I decided to post the Twilight in honor of the much hyped movies, but I especially enjoyed their Lord of the Rings clip, so be sure to check that out if you've got time!
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Lol I LOVE Jasper (the blonde vampire) in this one. The way he does his little eye thing with his second line rocks!