This weekend Myrrhlynn and I were able to crash the Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books. It's the first year of the festival, so we didn't have very high expectations, and we certainly weren't expecting to see any authors whose work we would potentially recognize. However, one of the exhibits was a stand of books for sale. There I saw a sequel to a book I really like, "Sucks To Be Me." (the sequel is "Still Sucks To Be Me.")
I reached out to snag the sequel and a woman who happened to be walking by said "If you buy that I can sign it for you."
I thought she was joking.
It wasn't until the woman, who really was Kimberley Pauley, THE AUTHOR of "Sucks To Be Me", assured me she really wrote the book that it sank into my brain. (Both Myrrhlynn and I were quite shocked that the author of a book we love/like was present at the festival.) Kimberley very kindly invited Myrrhlynn and I to attend her panel later in the afternoon, which we did.
Why am I going on about this? Because Kimberley's presentation was so interesting it got my Geek Girl Talk brain thinking. (Yes, I have a whole brain devoted solely to this blog.) Could I interview Kimberley, an author who writes about vampires and superpowers, the stuff of geekdom? Via email I asked Kimberley if I could, and she has agreed to let me conduct a mini interview!
So! In preparation I'm posting a brief review of "Sucks To Be Me!"
The story stars a teenage girl named Mina Hamilton who lives in California. Mina is pretty normal. Actually, she's quite normal... if you don't count the fact that her parents (not to mention her uncle) are VAMPIRES. However, Mina knows first hand that being a vampire isn't nearly as cool as everyone thinks it is. (The aforementioned uncle pretty much breaks all myths that vampires are spectacularly handsome.) If it weren't bizzarre enough to have vampire relatives, Mina's parents inform her that she has a big choice to make: become a vampire or stay human . To help her make an "informed decision", Mina is forced to attend weekly vampire classes and goes on fieldtrips with her...eccentric uncle.
Mina meets a variety of oddballs, from the freaky, violent, vampire-wannabe Raven to the ultra hottie, Aubrey. Of course there's Mina's best friend, Serena, and George, a vampire class schoolmate.
The story is astoundingly clever. I will be the first to admit that I am not a big vampire book fan, which is partially why "Sucks to Be Me" is so hilarious. Of course some vampires are cool and handsome and funny, but some (like the uncle) are overweight, not so handsome, and certainly NOT dazzling. The book takes a fresh perspective on vampire myths, and is fun to read--even if you aren't into the whole vampires thing.