Nov 27, 2012 19:47
I am a Twi-mom,a subject better left to discussion at another time!!
I am a devoted Twilight fan. A fairly new obsession but nonetheless a saving grace for me! I think Robert Pattinson is all a man should be and it's a little creepy as to how I "want" him and at the same time want to cook him a good meal and giive him motherly advice,as I could be his mother!!!!
I became infatuated with the with the saga rather late, as my first experience with it was not a good one. My stepdaughter had brought over the movie 4 years or so ago and I thought it ridiculous, boring,dark,depressing and frankly,ugly,.....characters included!!!( WHAT was I thinking????!!!!)
Fast forward to the days of Breaking Dawn 1. A dear friend was already a fan of the series and she piqued my interest with this one!! But before I could indulge myself in BD1 I had to start from the beginning,which I did,with the books,and then eventually the movies. I saw everything in a new light.
At a time in my life where distraction was GREATLY welcomed, I opened my arms and eyes to a story I could only dream to be real. A love based on pure attraction,fluttering hearts,looks of longing....and this was enough!!!!! To last!!!! A lifetime!!! No problems( other than the inconvenient vampire thing ,but that problem got quickly solved!!), no stress, no worries financially,or otherwise. Just two highly attractive people highly attracted to each other. If only!!!!
I also,of course,became infatuated with Rob ,his life,his career,....his face!!! And with that,his relationship with Kristen. I honestly saw these two people as being incredibly mature and intelligent and it fascinated me that they were the ying to the others yang. I wanted to see it play out and work out for these two.
And then it happened. The scandel. Whatever. They are young. Not to trivialize it,but I knew from my own experiences that if they had real,so it would be.
Fast forward to the photos and video today in the airport.
If I could wrap my arms around the two of them I would. I would tell them not to worry. This to shall pass. You will not be " news" forever. How these kids must have felt I can only imagine and as my maternal instincts came out I actually cried.
How the FUCK do people,paps or otherwise, have the BALLS to say that to anyone???? The indecency and disrespect made me feel sick to my stomach all day. You muthafuckas should drop into a black hole and have dirt thrown over it so that you suffocate to death in a long painful drawn out hideous experience. Because that's how you must make them feel every fuckin' time you open your fuckin' mouths and say your fuckin' disgusting,intrusive comments! How do you sleep? What if these were your children?? Sister? Brother? I hope you rot.
Rob and Kris, although you'll probably never read this, I say to you.... You guys are mostly loved. And a lot of that love is from"moms" like me. Throwing out that "mom" energy and love. Don't let this shit make your love crack.. In the end,when all else is gone its the most important thing. I have learned this the much hard way. I'm praying for you guys. I'm really routing for your lives together. I think from where I stand it looks absolutely beautiful. In fact.... Let these muthas be the WORST you ever have to deal with. Because we "mothers" got your back!!!!
Stay strong. You are beautiful,talented,successful, young!!! You are blessed. May God always bless you as he already has.