Hello minna~
ahh it's been a while since I last posted, I was pretty much busy and I didn't have time to go online and stuff, it's college and watching dramas is all what I did in the past few weeks XD;;
anyway! I've wanted to share my thoughts on some releases from Johnny's that I really liked, I didn't listen to Arashi's popcorn album yet but I'm sure it's going to be good like any Arashi album *not being biased here arashi are actually my no.5 fav group in the Jimusho, it's just their music is amazing<3*
anyway I was pretty much excited about Koichi-kun's solo debut, people had negative thoughts about his 'style' but I pretty much liked it, I know most JPop or Johnny's fans dislike dance and autotuned numbers similar to KPop but many JPop artists release stuff like that, I, myself listen to JPop, KPop and CPop and generally I like anything that attracts my ear, Koichi's album GRAVITY showed a different flavor that he rarely showed in KinKi Kids, I love Danger Zone ~to the unknown world~it's addictive and the PV is really good his dancing, his aura is so different, I couldn't help but think 'koichi-kun kakkoii!! XD' I really love him this man<3 other tracks that I really found good in the album are Deepness, Come Closer, Bluffxx and JAM ~Freaky Night~, but my most favorite is Bluffxx, cause it kinda focused on his vocals more and I just looovvvvve Koichi's voice, it's manly and his notes are really.. amazing.
what I didn't like tho were the... COVERS ughhh those deadly hideous covers I just can't tolerate them, I mean yeah well Johnny's aren't THAT good in the cover arts department, but GRAVITY's were waay fugly, I mean the bad photoshop and everything, it makes it seem like the album sucks, Koichi's solo debut needs a high quality album and really cool that brings out Koichi's 'wild and cool' side, oh well~ at least I enjoyed his solo debut, well done Koichi! ^^
he's such a cute kid or.. choding as they say in KPop fandoms! xD btw gifs from tumblr.
let's jump to my favorite kouhai group now Sexy Zone! maan I'm reaalllyy into them these days, the last kouhai group I got into was actually NYC but Sekuzon are too cute and sexy xD to not love! Sexy Summer ni Yuuki ga Furu is their latest single released last month and last before the release of their FIRST ALBUM EVER
Sexy Summer is cute, tbh I didn't feel it at first I thought like 'what is this' I had the same exact feeling whenever I hear a minimoni song if you're not a fan of H!P you won't know them, youtube them XD , but then I don't know what happened to me! I am now addicted to the 'Hello Hello and Merry Christmas' part I never got the concept of 'Snow Falling in Summer' and Christmas suddenly i n the song and it's still too early for that, but I love the PV because you could see them jumping around and dancing and being the cute rookies that they are<3 but I REALLY hope they'd get rid of the random juniors who jump around and just give you a headache from their excessive movements x_x
I loved the b-sides as well, Kimi no tame ni boku ga iru is really nice and definitely my cup of tea of an idol song, it's heartwarming and reminded me of arashi's b-sides too! Ame Datte by Sexy Boyz is really cute as well! at first I thought 'hmm.. sounds like a song I'd hear the current morning musume would sing'
example so I really grew to like it a lot after few listens, I don't know who are the juniors in this unit with mattssu and mari but they're not bad! :D the last track in the single is Bayside Elegy which I think is sung by Fuma, Kento and Shori only, Fuma's vocals are kinda dominating here and I think he enjoyed singing it because he likes singing serious songs and I totally fell in love with it on the first listen, also am I the only one who thinks that his voice sounds sooo similar to Ryo's here?! XD anyway this song is really great got to be my favorite in the single! ^^
can't wait for their first album! GAME and teleportation are included and the only tracks I've heard because of Shokura
and just a nakaken gif to share the kawaiiness of this boy D: <3