I used to be in love...and that's enough to make me high on you

Apr 07, 2010 01:42

As promised, I come bearing crappy doodles! I did during class! On crappy graph notebook paper!

...Because, you know. The main purpose of that notebook is...writing notes.


I hate to have my first art post be about relationships--or lack thereof, at that--but this is the most recent thing I've drawn.

...Incidentally, this happened on the day of our sixth month-iversary. Worst six-month-iversary ever.

Oh, yeah! Background information would help! The lovely woman on the right is my...er...former girlfriend. At the time in which this was drawn, we had come to a "mutual agreement" (I was considerably less comfortable with the agreement, but I digress) to end our relationship. I was devastated, especially because the grounds of the split were because a) she graduates in roughly four weeks, and b) our feelings aren't on par with each other. The best way to explain this would probably be "I like you a lot but not as much as you like me and you love me but I really don't love you and that makes me really really nervous so kthxbai".

It was a very nice breakup, though, and we're still very good friends. And I am no longer bedridden and suffering heart-attack-like symptoms! Though I am still feeling a little down. BUT IT'S ALL GOOD NOW NO LIE

Maybe I'll clean this up later idk

go to bed geech, i maed a art, irl

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