Aug 27, 2007 01:59
A little piece of my childhood dissapered the moment i picked up a movie and decided to watch it for the primary reason that it was called "Whore"
Im quite a fan of the word Whore... along with the words Snatch and Bubble. Before you comment... Yes I have seen the movie Snatch and Yes the Irish dude played by brad pitt is awesome. And finally Yes, I did watch it because it was called snatch.
Moving right along.
My rant for today, is about being apparently an "Edge" kid.
here i am, 21 years old, i never bothered to touch a cigarette, never bothered to drink alcohol except on my 18th when i decided that maybe it was a good idea just to try it once. I ended up being completely bored shitless with it and then proceeded to bleach all my white socks white. Know me well enough and you will know that im stupid enough in real life to put the drunks to shame.
As for drugs... i usually think twice about panadol for Christs sake.
To be honest i have said this before, but going to the doctors is the worlds biggest pain in the arse. Every time i go its the same damn thing...
"So do you smoke?"
"Um... no"
"Are you sexually active?"
"ermm not for a while no..."
"Illicit substances..."
"And you say your 21"
"you do realize that if you are lying that its easier to tell us now because were going to find out"
"Trust me... Im not pregnant and Im clean... ill do the blood test to prove it"
Meeting people is usually a little hard. So many times someone has bought me a drink, and me feeling guilty about it will have to explain that i cant drink it. Its the worlds biggest turn off for someone to meet you, buy you a drink and then you turn around and say "um... sorry... diet coke would have done me better" - then you have to explain that its not that you don't want to talk to them, its just that drinking isn't your kettle of fish... then its the rant about why i don't drink.
How can you tell someone... "I really don't know why i don't, I just find it boring"
It seems to be because of this... relationships and Sex is just one of these things that never tends to happen. But this is where the whole "Edge" bullshit falls cleanly on its arse.
Sure... the idea of being in love with everyone you sleep with is great, in theory.
The truth is, that some people just don't fucking work together on that level. Lets be honest here... Most people have expectations, and most of the time those expectations exceed the level that that relationship is able to commit.
People expect too much.
Im natarious for only having any sort of relationship with someone after i have known them for at least six months. Its not something i do consciously. I just I just tend to do it. the one time4 i didn't do this... it was this sped up awkward wierd thing where your getting to know each other in that ikky before and after sex conversation. Its never attractive conversation when your laying next to someone looking like a crack whore and possibly feeling the same way too.
I have made some fairly wrong decisions. I have had relationships with guys who other people have gone "gee mate your too good for him". My answer to that... is that the people being so judgmental are missing the point.
What truly matters to me, isnt that other people like the person im with. Im one of these people who tell friends to bugger off if they dont like who i am or if they cant handle the choices i chose to make. I like being in relationships without expectation. It begins to hurt when plans are set up for anything to happen. The best relationship i was ever in i didnt even use the words "i love you" and there wasnt any plans for the future. As soon as there was any plans, thats when things went a bit dodgy and bad, because suddenly there was the responsibility of the future. No, im a girl who likes things to be laid back and cruisy. I dont like the idea of marriage unless its unreal circumstances, I dont do the whole religious thing, and i really dont like it when people try and tell me how to live my life.
I like to have my time, my life and my space as my own, and i like boys to have teh same thing. I like them to go off and do their own thing, and most of all i like boys with a life. they have to understand that i will take a long time getting used to an extra body in my space. Its one hell of a shock to the system when suddenly "miss set in their ways" has someone doing my cooking, my cleaning and then try and help me with my work.
My major problem rests in maturity. So often guys seem to try and take a fathering role to me while still expecting me to play their mother. Its creepy, especially when alot of the time this is coming from guys who still live at home with their parents at 23 and have never known anything else than to have someone look after them.Suddenly they see me and my disorganized existence and suddenly think that because the cooking and the cleaning and the dishes arent done every night that im unhappy.
So often i have had boys say to me "thats not the way mum does it" - thats simply the easiest way to get me to fuck off. Im not a mother. Its this wierd thing where boys see me as a mothering role, where i buy them food, i will do their washing, while at the same time they will tell me that i need to take some time out and that i need to do my cleaning this way, and cook things that way and wash my clothes some other way. I know their trying to help... but back the hell off.
Boys, you have no idea how much your mother does for you. Appreciate it, but never expect your girlfreind to fill the void.
Live out of home and experiance life before you come to me with your "how to's" on keeping a perfect house.
Next on the list is boys who think that because you live out f home and have no parents, that they can just live at my place whenever they chose. Ah... no.
Quite simply... Dont expect a thing from me, and i wont expect a thing from you. I possibly wont call every night, i wont be a winy anoying girlfreind, And hell i dont expect to be visited all the time either. I might ask... but i said before i like boys who have a life. I simply like having someone to hang out with. Not someone to look after me.
And i certainly never expect love, but i do expect trust. thats it. I want to be able to trust someone not to mock the shit out of me when im pmsing. LOL. Okay so they can... so long as its all in fun.
This is what shits me about being called an edge kid. Im really just not. I dont drink, i dont do drugs and i dont smoke because its just something that never occurred to me as something that i needed in my life. I get addicted to everything. And so the easiest way not to get addicted, is simply not to start.
Sex on the other hand isnt about love or any of that crap. If i expect love out of someone, then its not love is it? They feel obliged to be "in love" - The only thing i want to expect out of a relationship is that i simply have a really good freind... boyfreind or freind... whatever. Thats it. As far as im concerned the person who i hang out with allot has to just be a cool kind of guy, and if sex is in the package, then fine, but be warned that most people wont evee get to that point with me. Im too set in my ways to take a crack at anything.
Point of this rant. Im not inclined to rule my existence by a label, it pisses m off when people do. If i sleep with someone i do it because its a choice i make. As far as im concerned life is about making choices and how you deal with the consequences.
This isnt to say i sleep with randoms either... im ranting for the sake of ranting right now.
maybe im just not cool with this label of being edge or what the hell ever but Sometimes its easier to explain it that way. I just dont care about drinking, drugs, sex and whatever as much as most people. Im just a normal kid... i love a good pub crawl as much as any one. Just buy me a coke instead of a beer.