Literature week 11

May 12, 2009 13:53

Well since this week we've had an incursion rather than set lectures I'm going to take license to not really write anything relevant. Call it a present to myself that I think I have earned. Matt from the Bell Shakespeare Company's visit was a wonderful opportunity and injected some life into our performances of Shakespeare. Plus it seemed like we all had heaps of fun. I'd love to work with the BS company one day (haha I just realised what that abbreviation could denote... not like that, I'm serious). I think being on stage for a living would be a great way to live authentically- which is really what I feel the point of this whole course has been. (Or maybe MG's hammering the point equivalent to the thought police brainwashing... no, that would imply that it was forced.) Anyway... here is a bit of fluff I wrote on the train this morning very early trying desperately hard to get to class by 8am.

The 7am train is full of office workers working too much overtime, trying to escape from something. I go up to the top level- warm air rises. I watch the morning light on the trees from my upper vantage point. It shines on the Newtown townhouses I long to live amongst, and I think about the sun going down elsewhere in the world. I was contemplating reading Alice in Wonderland again from an adult perspective. I wonder what kind of person Alice really is, as a grownup. I wonder if she would be on a 7am train. 
                        -Somehow I doubt that very much.
Although, maybe she would travel to that world instead of Wonderland. A wonderful world of six-figure salaries and designer brands!  What more could she ever want?! -(name censored)- wants to follow his dream of becoming a police officer. I think he would be wonderful. He wants a sense of achievement that has nothing to do with money or status. His mum says, "but at -(company name omitted)- he could become CEO and make a lot of money!" And that makes me sad. I thought she was more open minded than that. I thought she knew the size of one’s income has no importance in the scheme of things.

Oleanders weave through silver chain link fencing, the glorious warm light kisses graffiti. High up in the blue a plane makes a double-line jet stream. I wonder where he's going in such a hurry. That street hasn't lost its leaves just yet and families gather outside blocks that were empty three years ago, now they are real places.

This week’s comment:

Love it- dry, ironic and... green!


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