Oct 21, 2004 15:33
so its been quite a while so time for an update...this week has been just about perfect so far. because of how columbus break worked out last week and a conference one of my professors has to go to, i have barely any work to do this week. thank god since the red sox have taken up so much of my time. especially last night, probably one of the most exciting times ever. watched a little of it on the phone with my mom, then upstairs with random people, then back in my room with my roomie. but of course once we won all of wheeler spilled outside, chanting, burning yankee stuff, and getting sprayed with beer from angry yankee fans. after 20 min or so that got boring so my hall got all of the dorm to run to easy street where the rest of the dorms are. it was so cool to look back and just see about 100 people running behind you. so then more chanting and excitement with the rest of holy cross. it was so fun. now just looking forward to tonight and the rest of the weekend with chris coming up, a soccer game, and finishing up the dance for parents weekend. should be good